Thursday, March 30, 2017

Cities for Food Systems Innovation and Green Jobs - 31 May 2017, European Commission - DG Research and Innovation, Covent Garden, Place Rogier 16, 1210 Brussels

[Source: Research & Innovation] This full day FOOD 2030 workshop will provide an opportunity to explore the role of cities in fostering food systems innovation and green jobs at the local level. The main objectives of the event are to discuss and share experiences related to 1) the importance of adopting a systems approach for sustainable and healthy food production and consumption in urban areas, 2) the potential for green job creation, and 3) future research, innovation and investment opportunities. During the event, preliminary results of an ongoing European study focusing on ‘Food in Cities’ will be presented and used as a basis for interactive discussions. Participants will discuss the added value and challenges that 'cities' face – both as place-based ecosystems and local authorities - in enabling broad-based innovation, green jobs and the empowerment of communities. Targeted stakeholders for this workshop include city representatives, researchers, SMEs, entrepreneurs, living labs, NGOs and civil society associations. The workshop is part of the FOOD 2030 initiative that focuses on future-proofing our food systems through European Research and Innovation for Food and Nutrition Security.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

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