Friday, February 26, 2021

Oceans and seas - Protect our oceans: the challenge of Europe's global leadership

[Source: Research & Innovation] 16 June 2021As one of the first contributions to the 2021-2030 United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the European Conference will take place the week following the 2021 World Oceans Day, at a time when global ocean governance is at a critical juncture.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - La digesti&243;n anaer&243;bica potenciada con grafeno aumenta sustancialmente el potencial de producci&243;n de biog&225;s

[Source: Research & Innovation] En la naturaleza, las bacterias se encargan de descomponer la materia orgánica de las plantas y los animales. Esta capacidad singular se denomina digestión anaeróbica y podría revolucionar nuestra forma de producir energía. Sin embargo, presenta dos inconvenientes notables, que se trataron de subsanar con el proyecto DIET, financiado con fondos europeos.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Research Headlines - Graphene spiced-up anaerobic digestion substantially increases biogas production potential

[Source: Research & Innovation] In nature, bacteria take care of breaking down organic matter from plants and animals. This unique capacity is called anaerobic digestion and has the potential to revolutionise the way we produce energy. But it suffers from two major drawbacks, both of which the EU-funded DIET project set out to overcome.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - La digesti&243;n anaer&243;bica potenciada con grafeno aumenta sustancialmente el potencial de producci&243;n de biog&225;s

[Source: Research & Innovation] En la naturaleza, las bacterias se encargan de descomponer la materia orgánica de las plantas y los animales. Esta capacidad singular se denomina digestión anaeróbica y podría revolucionar nuestra forma de producir energía. Sin embargo, presenta dos inconvenientes notables, que se trataron de subsanar con el proyecto DIET, financiado con fondos europeos.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - La digestion ana&233;robie &233;pic&233;e au graph&232;ne augmente consid&233;rablement le potentiel de production de biogaz

[Source: Research & Innovation] Dans la nature, les bactéries se chargent de décomposer la matière organique des plantes et des animaux. Cette capacité unique est appelée digestion anaérobie et a le potentiel de révolutionner la façon dont nous produisons de l’énergie. Mais elle souffre de deux inconvénients majeurs, que le projet DIET, financé par l’UE, s’est efforcé de surmonter.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Mit Graphen optimierte anaerobe Verg&228;rung steigert das Potenzial bei der Produktion von Biogas erheblich

[Source: Research & Innovation] In der Natur kümmern sich Bakterien um den Abbau von organischem Material aus Pflanzen und Tieren. Diese einzigartige Fähigkeit wird als anaerobe Vergärung bezeichnet und könnte die Art und Weise der Energieerzeugung revolutionieren. Allerdings besitzt sie zwei große Nachteile, die das EU-finanzierte Projekt DIET überwinden will.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - U&380;ycie grafenu w fermentacji beztlenowej znacznie zwi&281;ksza wydajno&347;&263; wytwarzania biogazu

[Source: Research & Innovation] W przyrodzie za rozkład materii organicznej pochodzenia roślinnego i zwierzęcego odpowiedzialne są bakterie. Mają one zdolność do przeprowadzania fermentacji beztlenowej – unikalnego procesu, który może zrewolucjonizować metody wytwarzania energii. Proces ten ma jednak dwie poważne wady, których usunięciem zajął się zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu DIET.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Monday, February 22, 2021

Research Headlines - Belastbare Cybersicherheitsl&246;sungen f&252;r europ&228;ische Unternehmen

[Source: Research & Innovation] IT-Innovationen eröffneten neue Geschäftsperspektiven, die Unternehmen jedoch neuen Bedrohungen aussetzten. Besonders kleinere Unternehmen sind oft schlecht auf die Abwehr von Cyberangriffen vorbereitet. Ein EU-finanziertes Projekt hat neue Instrumente für einen besseren Schutz von Unternehmen und Privatpersonen entwickelt und diese auf einer einfach zu bedienenden Plattform zur Verfügung gestellt.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Des solutions de cybers&233;curit&233; r&233;silientes pour les entreprises europ&233;ennes

[Source: Research & Innovation] Les innovations informatiques ont ouvert des perspectives commerciales, mais ont aussi exposé les entreprises à de nouvelles menaces, surtout les PME, souvent mal préparées aux cyberattaques. Un projet financé par l’UE a développé de nouveaux outils pour aider les entreprises, et par extension les citoyens, à mieux se protéger, et les a diffusés sur une plateforme conviviale.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Odporne cyber zabezpieczenia dla europejskich firm

[Source: Research & Innovation] Dzięki technologiom informacyjnym firmy zyskały nowe możliwości biznesowe, ale wraz z nimi pojawiły się nieznane wcześniej zagrożenia. Na cyberataki podatne są przede wszystkim mniejsze przedsiębiorstwa. W ramach finansowanego ze środków UE projektu opracowano nowe narzędzia, które zapewnią firmom, a tym samym obywatelom, lepszą ochronę. Rozwiązania te udostępniono na prostej w użyciu platformie.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Resilient cybersecurity solutions for European businesses

[Source: Research & Innovation] While information technologies have opened up new business opportunities, they have also left companies exposed to new threats. Smaller companies in particular are often ill-prepared to defend against cyberattacks. An EU-funded project has developed new tools to help businesses, and by extension citizens, protect themselves better and have made these available on an easy-to-use platform.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Soluciones de ciberseguridad resilientes para las empresas europeas

[Source: Research & Innovation] Aunque las tecnologías de la información han abierto oportunidades comerciales, también han expuesto a las empresas a nuevas amenazas. Las pymes suelen estar mal preparadas para defenderse de ciberataques, pero un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos ha creado herramientas para que estas empresas —y los ciudadanos— se protejan mejor y las ha puesto a su disposición en una plataforma sencilla.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Soluzioni resilienti di sicurezza informatica per le aziende europee

[Source: Research & Innovation] Sebbene le tecnologie dell’informazione abbiano aperto nuove opportunità commerciali, hanno anche esposto le aziende a nuove minacce. Le aziende più piccole sono spesso impreparate contro gli attacchi informatici. Un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha sviluppato e messo a disposizione su una piattaforma intuitiva nuovi strumenti per aiutare le aziende, e dunque i cittadini, a proteggersi meglio.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - [EL] Resilient cybersecurity solutions for European businesses

[Source: Research & Innovation] [EL] While information technologies have opened up new business opportunities, they have also left companies exposed to new threats. Smaller companies in particular are often ill-prepared to defend against cyberattacks. An EU-funded project has developed new tools to help businesses, and by extension citizens, protect themselves better and have made these available on an easy-to-use platform.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Battery-powered ferry set to create waves

[Source: Research & Innovation] Trials of a new battery-powered ferry connecting a Danish island to the mainland will begin shortly. The EU-funded innovation is expected to help ferry operators cut emissions and increase the frequency of their services.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Friday, February 19, 2021

Research Headlines - Battery-powered ferry set to create waves

[Source: Research & Innovation] Trials of a new battery-powered ferry connecting a Danish island to the mainland will begin shortly. The EU-funded innovation is expected to help ferry operators cut emissions and increase the frequency of their services.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Press Centre - New Transitions Performance Index tracks EU progress towards fair and prosperous sustainability

[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Union is a strong global performer in the transition towards sustainability, with Denmark and the Netherlands topping the EU ranking and outperforming the US and China. These are some of the main results of the new Transitions Performance Index (TPI), published by the Commission today.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Health research and innovation - EU to invest €150 million for research to counter coronavirus variants

[Source: Research & Innovation] Today, the Commission presented a Communication for the proposed launch of a European bio-defence preparedness programme called “HERA Incubator” to address the emerging threat of coronavirus variants. Plans include important new research investments, mobilising an additional €30 million from Horizon 2020 to be complemented by a further €120 million from Horizon Europe.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - A revolutionary way of treating Short Bowel Syndrome

[Source: Research & Innovation] Short Bowel Syndrome is a medical disorder without a cure and with limited treatment options. But one EU-funded project aimed to change this by creating a functional small bowel using a patient’s own cells or tissue. The result has the potential to substantially improve the chances of survival and the standard of living for those suffering from the disorder.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Eine bahnbrechende Behandlungsmethode f&252;r das Kurzdarmsyndrom

[Source: Research & Innovation] Das Kurzdarmsyndrom ist eine unheilbare Erkrankung mit eingeschränkten Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Doch ein EU-finanziertes Projekt wollte das ändern, indem es aus patienteneigenen Zellen oder Geweben einen funktionierenden Dünndarm erstellt. Das Ergebnis birgt das Potenzial, die Überlebenschancen und den Lebensstandard von Menschen mit Kurzdarmsyndrom wesentlich zu verbessern.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Rewolucyjny spos&243;b leczenia zespo&322;u kr&243;tkiego jelita

[Source: Research & Innovation] Zespół krótkiego jelita jest nieuleczalnym schorzeniem. Pewien unijny projekt ma jednak na celu zmianę tego stanu rzeczy dzięki stworzeniu funkcjonalnego jelita cienkiego z wykorzystaniem komórek lub tkanek danego pacjenta. Może to znacząco poprawić szanse przeżycia oraz jakość życia chorych.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Un modo rivoluzionario di trattare la sindrome dell'intestino corto

[Source: Research & Innovation] La sindrome dell’intestino corto è un disturbo medico senza cura e con opzioni di trattamento limitate. Un progetto finanziato dall’UE intende cambiare ciò creando un intestino tenue funzionale con le cellule o il tessuto del paziente. Il risultato racchiude il potenziale per migliorare notevolmente le probabilità di sopravvivenza e il tenore di vita di coloro che sono affetti dall’SBS.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Un moyen r&233;volutionnaire pour traiter le syndrome du gr&234;le court

[Source: Research & Innovation] Le syndrome du grêle court est un trouble médical sans remède connu et aux options thérapeutiques limitées. Un projet financé par l’UE entendait toutefois remédier à cette situation en créant un intestin grêle fonctionnel à l’aide des cellules ou du tissu des patients. Le résultat pourrait améliorer considérablement les chances de survie et le niveau de vie des personnes atteintes de ce trouble.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Una forma revolucionaria de tratar el s&237;ndrome de intestino corto

[Source: Research & Innovation] El síndrome de intestino corto es una enfermedad sin cura y con opciones de tratamiento limitadas. Un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos se propuso cambiar esta situación con la creación de un intestino delgado funcional con células o tejidos del propio paciente. El resultado mejoraría considerablemente las posibilidades de sobrevivir y la calidad de vida de quienes padecen el trastorno.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - A revolutionary way of treating Short Bowel Syndrome

[Source: Research & Innovation] Short Bowel Syndrome is a medical disorder without a cure and with limited treatment options. But one EU-funded project aimed to change this by creating a functional small bowel using a patient’s own cells or tissue. The result has the potential to substantially improve the chances of survival and the standard of living for those suffering from the disorder.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Eine bahnbrechende Behandlungsmethode f&252;r das Kurzdarmsyndrom

[Source: Research & Innovation] Das Kurzdarmsyndrom ist eine unheilbare Erkrankung mit eingeschränkten Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Doch ein EU-finanziertes Projekt wollte das ändern, indem es aus patienteneigenen Zellen oder Geweben einen funktionierenden Dünndarm erstellt. Das Ergebnis birgt das Potenzial, die Überlebenschancen und den Lebensstandard von Menschen mit Kurzdarmsyndrom wesentlich zu verbessern.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Rewolucyjny spos&243;b leczenia zespo&322;u kr&243;tkiego jelita

[Source: Research & Innovation] Zespół krótkiego jelita jest nieuleczalnym schorzeniem. Pewien unijny projekt ma jednak na celu zmianę tego stanu rzeczy dzięki stworzeniu funkcjonalnego jelita cienkiego z wykorzystaniem komórek lub tkanek danego pacjenta. Może to znacząco poprawić szanse przeżycia oraz jakość życia chorych.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Un modo rivoluzionario di trattare la sindrome dell'intestino corto

[Source: Research & Innovation] La sindrome dell’intestino corto è un disturbo medico senza cura e con opzioni di trattamento limitate. Un progetto finanziato dall’UE intende cambiare ciò creando un intestino tenue funzionale con le cellule o il tessuto del paziente. Il risultato racchiude il potenziale per migliorare notevolmente le probabilità di sopravvivenza e il tenore di vita di coloro che sono affetti dall’SBS.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Un moyen r&233;volutionnaire pour traiter le syndrome du gr&234;le court

[Source: Research & Innovation] Le syndrome du grêle court est un trouble médical sans remède connu et aux options thérapeutiques limitées. Un projet financé par l’UE entendait toutefois remédier à cette situation en créant un intestin grêle fonctionnel à l’aide des cellules ou du tissu des patients. Le résultat pourrait améliorer considérablement les chances de survie et le niveau de vie des personnes atteintes de ce trouble.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Una forma revolucionaria de tratar el s&237;ndrome de intestino corto

[Source: Research & Innovation] El síndrome de intestino corto es una enfermedad sin cura y con opciones de tratamiento limitadas. Un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos se propuso cambiar esta situación con la creación de un intestino delgado funcional con células o tejidos del propio paciente. El resultado mejoraría considerablemente las posibilidades de sobrevivir y la calidad de vida de quienes padecen el trastorno.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Bioeconomy - New High Level Expert Group to assess need for an International Platform for Food Systems Science

[Source: Research & Innovation] Today, the European Commission (EC) launches a High Level Expert Group (HLEG), whose mandate is to assess the needs, options, impacts and possible approach for an International Platform for Food Systems Science (IPFSS). In particular, this Expert Group will address gaps in the provision of food system science and evidence, in view of supporting an improved global food system governance.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Events - EuroNanoForum 2021

[Source: Research & Innovation] 5-6 May 2021The forum will address the role of nano-enabled technologies and industries in the transformation towards EU prosperity.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Events - Fueling productivity and business dynamism after COVID-19

[Source: Research & Innovation] Wednesday 28 - Thursday 29 April 2021Building on the Horizon 2020 “MapProdIGI” project (Microdata analysis for Policies for Productivity, Innovation, Growth and Inclusion), the event will discuss the impact of technological development on productivity, business dynamism or inequalities and sketch possible changes induced by the pandemic.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Monday, February 15, 2021

Research Headlines - ¿C&243;mo pueden las bacterias intestinales protegernos de los da&241;os encef&225;licos posteriores al ictus?

[Source: Research & Innovation] Muchas personas usan los probióticos para conservar o recuperar las bacterias «buenas» del intestino. El proyecto MetaBiota, financiado con fondos europeos, ha ido más allá al demostrar que estas bacterias beneficiosas, la microbiota, pueden tener una influencia positiva al ayudar a los pacientes de ictus a recuperarse mejor. Esto podría abrir la puerta a tratamientos nuevos y emocionantes.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Come i batteri intestinali possono proteggerci dai danni cerebrali sviluppati in seguito a ictus

[Source: Research & Innovation] I probiotici vengono utilizzati da molti come strumento per preservare o ripristinare i batteri «buoni» presenti nell’intestino. Il progetto MetaBiota, finanziato dall’UE, è andato oltre, dimostrando come questi batteri buoni, ovvero il microbiota, portino benefici ai pazienti colpiti da ictus, aiutandoli a guarire, Ciò potrebbe aprire la strada a nuove ed entusiasmanti opzioni di trattamento.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Comment les bact&233;ries intestinales peuvent nous prot&233;ger des l&233;sions c&233;r&233;brales cons&233;cutives &224; un AVC

[Source: Research & Innovation] Les probiotiques sont utilisés par de nombreux citoyens pour préserver ou restaurer les «bonnes» bactéries de l’intestin. Le projet MetaBiota financé par l’UE va plus loin en démontrant comment ces bactéries bénéfiques – le microbiote – ont également un impact positif dans la guérison des patients victimes d’un AVC. Il pourrait ouvrir la voie à de nouveaux traitements passionnants.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - How gut bacteria can protect us from post-stroke brain damage

[Source: Research & Innovation] Probiotics are used by many citizens as a means to preserve or restore the 'good' bacteria in the gut. The EU-funded MetaBiota project has gone one step further by demonstrating how these beneficial bacteria - the microbiota - also have a positive impact on helping stroke patients make a better recovery. This could open the door to a number of new and exciting treatment options.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Jak bakterie jelitowe mog&261; chroni&263; nas przed uszkodzeniem m&243;zgu po udarze?

[Source: Research & Innovation] Probiotyki są stosowane przez wielu ludzi w celu ochrony oraz odbudowy dobrej mikroflory bakteryjnej w jelitach. Zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu MetaBiota poszedł o krok dalej, wykazując pozytywny wpływ bakterii mikroflory na powrót do zdrowia pacjentów po udarze. Jego odkrycie może przyczynić się do powstania nowych i interesujących metod leczenia ofiar udarów.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Wie Darmbakterien vor Langzeitsch&228;den eines Schlaganfalls sch&252;tzen k&246;nnen

[Source: Research & Innovation] Viele Menschen nehmen zum Schutz oder zur Wiederherstellung der „guten“ Bakterien im Darm Probiotika ein. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MetaBiota konnte nun des Weiteren zeigen, dass diese nützlichen Bakterien – das Mikrobiom – auch Betroffenen bei der Rehabilitation nach einem Schlaganfall helfen. Daraus könnten sich einige interessante neue Behandlungsmöglichkeiten ergeben.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Events - Save the date: the European Research and Innovation Days take place on 23-24 June 2021

[Source: Research & Innovation] This year’s edition will mark the official launch of Horizon Europe, the new EU research and innovation programme (2021-2027). The event’s agenda will further focus on new initiatives to strengthen the European Research Area and it will highlight the importance of collective research and innovation in the coronavirus recovery and for a greener and more digital future.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Friday, February 12, 2021

International Cooperation - The 13th EU-India Joint Science and Technology Steering Committee

[Source: Research & Innovation] The meeting was opened by Director-General Jean-Eric Paquet who recalled that India is a key strategic partner for the EU with growing economic and geopolitical significance. .

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Research Headlines - Auswirkungen einer verbreiteten - aber potenziell sch&228;dlichen - klinischen Praxis verringern

[Source: Research & Innovation] Die intrapartale Antibiotikaprophylaxe (IAP) wird häufig bei der Entbindung eingesetzt. Laut EU-finanzierten Forschenden könnte sie Folgen für die Kindesgesundheit nach sich ziehen, indem sie die Risiken für Fettleibigkeit, Diabetes und Antibiotikaresistenzen erhöht. Diese Feststellung gibt Anstoß zur Entwicklung neuer Ernährungsstrategien zur Verringerung der Auswirkungen dieser gängigen Praxis.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Limitare l'impatto di una pratica clinica diffusa, ma potenzialmente dannosa

[Source: Research & Innovation] La profilassi antimicrobica intrapartum (IAP), è una procedura standard per il parto. Secondo ricerche finanziate dall’UE, potrebbe avere rilevanti implicazioni per la salute infantile, aumentando il rischio di obesità, diabete e antibiotico-resistenza. Tale scoperta apre allo sviluppo di nuove strategie dietetiche che limitino gli effetti di questa procedura medica estremamente diffusa.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Minimiser l'impact d'une pratique clinique courante, mais potentiellement n&233;faste

[Source: Research & Innovation] La prophylaxie antimicrobienne intrapartum (PAI) est couramment pratiquée lors des accouchements. Selon des chercheurs financés par l’UE, elle pourrait fortement impacter la santé infantile avec des risques d’obésité, de diabète et de résistance aux antibiotiques. Ce constat invite au développement de nouvelles stratégies alimentaires pour réduire les effets de cette procédure médicale courante.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Minimising the impact of a common - but potentially detrimental - clinical practice

[Source: Research & Innovation] Intrapartum antimicrobial prophylaxis (IAP), is a standard procedure used while delivering babies. According to EU-funded researchers, it may have important implications for infant health, increasing risks of obesity, diabetes, and antibiotics resistance. This finding opens the door to the development of new dietary strategies for minimising the effect of this very common medical procedure.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Minimizar el impacto de una pr&225;ctica cl&237;nica com&250;n, pero posiblemente perjudicial

[Source: Research & Innovation] La profilaxis antimicrobiana intraparto es un procedimiento estándar utilizado en el parto. Según investigadores financiados con fondos europeos, puede tener importantes implicaciones para la salud del niño, pues aumenta el riesgo de obesidad, diabetes y resistencia a antibióticos, por lo que se deben desarrollar nuevas estrategias dietéticas para minimizar el efecto de este procedimiento médico.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Ograniczanie skutk&243;w powszechnej, ale potencjalnie szkodliwej, praktyki klinicznej

[Source: Research & Innovation] Śródporodowa profilaktyka zakażeń to standardowa procedura przeprowadzana podczas porodu. Badania finansowanej przez UE badaczki wykazały, że może mieć ona poważne konsekwencje dla zdrowia noworodków, zwiększając ryzyko antybiotykooporności, otyłości i cukrzycy. Ustalenia te wytyczają kierunek nowych strategii żywieniowych mających na celu ograniczenie skutków ubocznych tej powszechnej procedury.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Monday, February 8, 2021

Research Headlines - Particle physicist turns his hand to medical imaging

[Source: Research & Innovation] Technology developed in an EU-funded project for high-energy physics experiments also has the potential to greatly enhance the sensitivity of PET scanners for medical imaging.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Friday, February 5, 2021

European Innovation Council - Equity funding in the EU: new report sheds light on shortcomings in the EU finance landscape

[Source: Research & Innovation] The Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation published today the results of an independent expert report identifying the investment gaps existing in the EU and reasons behind these.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Research Headlines - Des nanotransporteurs pour un traitement plus s&251;r du cancer du sein

[Source: Research & Innovation] Les patients qui ont subi une chimiothérapie savent que, malgré son efficacité, elle endommage aussi beaucoup les cellules saines. Le projet NANOCARGO, financé par l’UE, a trouvé une solution qui éviterait ce type de problème pour le cancer du sein. Cette avancée pourrait profiter aux milliers de femmes qui suivent chaque année un traitement contre ce cancer en Europe.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Nanocarriers for safer breast cancer treatment

[Source: Research & Innovation] Patients who've gone through chemotherapy know that as effective as it may be, it also causes a lot of damage to otherwise healthy cells. The EU-funded NANOCARGO project has pushed a solution forward for breast cancer that would avoid such damage. This breakthrough could benefit the many thousands upon thousands of women in Europe who undergo treatment for breast cancer every year.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Nanono&347;niki podstaw&261; bezpiecznego leczenia raka piersi

[Source: Research & Innovation] Pacjenci po chemioterapii zdają sobie sprawę, że pomimo swojej skuteczności ta metoda leczenia wiąże się ze zniszczeniem części zdrowych komórek. Finansowany przez UE projekt NANOCARGO opracował nowy lek na raka piersi, który pozwoli uniknąć nadmiernych zniszczeń, co może przynieść korzyści wielu tysiącom Europejek, które każdego roku walczą z nowotworami piersi.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Nanotr&228;ger als sicherere Methode der Brustkrebsbehandlung

[Source: Research & Innovation] Betroffene, die sich einer Chemotherapie unterzogen haben, wissen, dass diese trotz ihrer Wirksamkeit auch eine Menge an gesunden Zellen schädigt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt NANOCARGO hat eine Lösung für Brustkrebs vorangetrieben, die solche Schäden vermeiden würde. Dieser Durchbruch könnte den vielen Frauen in Europa zugutekommen, die sich jedes Jahr gegen Brustkrebs behandeln lassen.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Nanovettori per un trattamento pi&249; sicuro del cancro al seno

[Source: Research & Innovation] I pazienti sottoposti a chemioterapia sanno che, per quanto efficace, questa procedura danneggia gravemente anche cellule altrimenti sane. Il progetto NANOCARGO, finanziato dall’UE, ha presentato una soluzione per il cancro al seno che eviterebbe tali danni. La scoperta rivoluzionaria potrebbe aiutare le migliaia di donne in Europa che ogni anno affrontano un trattamento contro il cancro al seno.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Unos nanoportadores para un tratamiento m&225;s seguro del c&225;ncer de mama

[Source: Research & Innovation] Las personas que pasan por la quimioterapia saben que, por muy eficaz que sea, también causa gran daño a las células sanas. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos NANOCARGO ha impulsado una solución para el cáncer de mama que evitaría estos daños. Este avance podría beneficiar a las miles y miles de europeas que se someten cada año a un tratamiento contra el cáncer de mama.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Research Headlines - Pioneering photolithography for 7nm chips

[Source: Research & Innovation] Cutting-edge photolithography technology developed by an EU-funded consortium has enabled the launch of a new generation of high-performance smartphones featuring powerful and efficient 7nm-node mobile processors.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Monday, February 1, 2021

Environment - European Green Deal Call raises high number of proposals under Horizon 2020

[Source: Research & Innovation] On 27 January, the Commission received 1550 proposals for the €1 billion Green Deal call, demonstrating an impressive response from the research community in Europe and beyond.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Solving shared problems in environmental research

[Source: Research & Innovation] For years, environmental scientists across different disciplines have struggled with the same technical challenges. In response, EU-funded researchers have created a community where scientists can pool their resources to find joint solutions to common problems.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed