Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Research Headlines - En route to safer, more reliable autonomous driving

[Source: Research & Innovation] The development of autonomous driving systems is currently a focus of research for the automotive industry. An EU-funded project has moved work forward in this area by developing an advanced driver-assistance system that can work safely and reliably in all weathers.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Research Headlines - De nouvelles techniques contribuent &224; r&233;duire le risque de d&233;velopper des maladies oculaires li&233;es &224; l'&226;ge

[Source: Research & Innovation] Alors que l’espérance de vie augmente, de plus en plus de personnes risquent de développer des maladies oculaires liées à l’âge pouvant entraîner la cécité. Pour prendre en charge ces maladies, il faut comprendre les facteurs de risque. Un projet financé par l’UE a donc élaboré des outils pour prédire la probabilité de développer des maladies oculaires et des mesures pour atténuer ce risque.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Neue Technik hilft, das Risiko der Entwicklung altersbedingter Augenerkrankungen zu mindern

[Source: Research & Innovation] Mit steigender Lebenserwartung riskieren immer mehr Menschen, altersbedingte Augenerkrankungen zu entwickeln, die zur Erblindung führen können. Zur Behandlung und Versorgung der Erkrankten müssen die Risikofaktoren verstanden werden. Ein EU-finanziertes Projekt entwickelte neue Instrumente zur Vorhersage der Wahrscheinlichkeit, eine Augenkrankheit zu entwickeln, sowie Schritte zur Risikominderung.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - New techniques help decrease the risk of developing age-related eye disease

[Source: Research & Innovation] With life expectancy on the rise, more and more people are at risk of developing age-related eye diseases that could cause blindness. The key to treating and managing such diseases is to understand the risk factors involved. To help, one EU-funded project has developed tools that predict not only how likely a person is to develop eye diseases but also what can be done to lower this risk.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Nowe techniki pomagaj&261; obni&380;y&263; ryzyko rozwoju choroby oczu zwi&261;zanej z wiekiem

[Source: Research & Innovation] Wraz ze stale wydłużającą się średnią długością życia rośnie ryzyko rozwoju chorób oczu związanych z wiekiem, które mogą prowadzić do ślepoty. Ich leczenie i zarządzanie nimi wymaga poznania czynników zwiększających ryzyko zachorowania. Tego zadania podjął się zespół unijnego projektu, który opracował narzędzia do oceny ryzyka rozwoju chorób oczu i strategie pozwalające na jego obniżenie.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Nuevas t&233;cnicas reducen el riesgo de enfermedades oculares asociadas a la edad

[Source: Research & Innovation] Con la esperanza de vida en alza, cada vez más gente corre el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades oculares asociadas a la edad que causarían ceguera. La clave para tratarlas y controlarlas es entender los factores de riesgo. Un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos desarrolló herramientas que pueden predecir la probabilidad de desarrollar enfermedades oculares y qué hacer para reducir este riesgo.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Nuove tecniche aiutano a ridurre il rischio di sviluppare malattie oculari legate all'et&224;

[Source: Research & Innovation] Con l’aumento dell’aspettativa di vita, sempre più persone rischiano di sviluppare malattie oculari legate all’età che potrebbero provocare cecità. La chiave per trattare e gestire tali malattie è comprendere i fattori di rischio. Per contribuire allo scopo, un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha creato strumenti per prevedere la probabilità di sviluppare malattie oculari e come ridurre il rischio.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Monday, January 25, 2021

Research Headlines - The sustainability sandbox: test your scenarios!

[Source: Research & Innovation] What, exactly, will it take to transition to a low-emission society? Where can we make improvements? Will they be sufficient? How do the options combine? EU-funded researchers have produced a website where users can mix and match possible solutions and explore how these choices play out across key areas.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Research Headlines - Looking into the links between climate and development policies

[Source: Research & Innovation] The EU project CD-LINKS has helped to join the dots between climate change mitigation and sustainable development policies by creating a network of research experts in a wide range of relevant topics across the globe.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Research Headlines - Badania nad uk&322;adem kr&261;&380;enia dostarczaj&261; nowych rozwi&261;za&324; medycznych

[Source: Research & Innovation] Europejscy naukowcy pracują nad wirtualnym fizjologicznym człowiekiem – kompleksowym modelem komputerowym ludzkiego ciała. W ramach tego procesu naukowcy realizowali finansowany przez UE projekt mający na celu usprawnienie leczenia chorób układu krążenia, którego wyniki znalazły zastosowanie w sektorze medycznym. Celem prac jest przełożenie nauki na praktyki medyczne z korzyścią dla pacjentów.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Cardiovascular research delivers new clinical solutions

[Source: Research & Innovation] European researchers have been building the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH), a full computer model of the body. Through this process, an EU-funded project focused on improving cardiovascular care, and several key results are now being implemented by industry. The ultimate aim of all this is to turn basic science into real medical practices that will benefit patients and improve care standards.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung liefert neue klinische L&246;sungen

[Source: Research & Innovation] Ein europäisches Forschungsteam hat den „Virtual Physiological Human“ (VPH) als vollständiges Computermodell des Körpers erstellt. Nun forscht ein EU-finanziertes Projekt an Herz-Kreislauf-Behandlungen und mehrere zentrale Ergebnisse werden von der Industrie übernommen. Grundlagenforschung wird so in medizinische Praktiken überführt, die behandelten Personen helfen und Standards anheben.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - La investigaci&243;n cardiovascular ofrece nuevas soluciones cl&237;nicas

[Source: Research & Innovation] Investigadores europeos han creado el humano fisiológico virtual, un modelo informático completo del organismo. En el proceso, un proyecto europeo se centró en mejorar los cuidados cardiovasculares. La industria ya está aplicando varios de sus resultados. El objetivo es convertir la ciencia básica en prácticas médicas reales que beneficiarán a pacientes y mejorarán los estándares de atención.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - La recherche cardiovasculaire apporte de nouvelles solutions cliniques

[Source: Research & Innovation] Des chercheurs européens créent l’humain physiologique virtuel (VPH), un modèle entièrement informatisé du corps. Un projet financé par l’UE entendait donc améliorer les soins cardiovasculaires, et plusieurs résultats sont mis en œuvre par l’industrie. Son objectif vise à transformer la science fondamentale en pratiques médicales qui profiteront aux patients et amélioreront les normes de soins.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - La ricerca in campo cardiovascolare offre nuove soluzioni cliniche

[Source: Research & Innovation] I ricercatori europei stanno creando l’essere umano fisiologico virtuale, un modello informatico completo del corpo. In tal modo, un progetto finanziato dall’UE si è prefisso di migliorare le cure cardiovascolari e l’industria sta raggiungendo vari risultati chiave. L’obiettivo finale è tradurre la scienza in pratiche mediche reali a vantaggio dei pazienti e migliorare la qualità delle cure.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Monday, January 18, 2021

Research Headlines - Building bridges rather than walls

[Source: Research & Innovation] European national histories are often taught as isolated narratives that emphasise conflict rather than cooperation. But recently, EU-funded researchers used historical exhibitions and digital technologies to remind Europeans just how much history and culture they share. A custom-designed Android app, for example, now helps visitors explore London's National Gallery.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Research Headlines - Engineers put the squeeze on cancer cells

[Source: Research & Innovation] EU-funded researchers have applied engineering know-how to understand what controls the mechanical strength of living cells. Their findings offer new insights into the spread of cancers as well as into diseases of the heart and nervous system.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Les ondes de spin pour l'informatique de prochaine g&233;n&233;ration

[Source: Research & Innovation] Les scientifiques développent actuellement des systèmes informatiques de prochaine génération capables de traiter des informations de manière rapide, modulable et éco-énergétique. Le projet SWING financé par l’UE a activement contribué à cet objectif. Ses recherches ont produit une nouvelle méthode innovante qui pourrait s’avérer essentielle pour donner vie à ces «supercalculateurs».

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Research Headlines - Fale spinowe umo&380;liwiaj&261; budow&281; komputer&243;w nowej generacji

[Source: Research & Innovation] Naukowcy stale dążą do opracowania systemów komputerowych nowej generacji, które będą w stanie wydajnie i elastycznie przetwarzać dane przy zachowaniu niskiego zużycia energii. Finansowany przez UE projekt SWING również skupiał się na tym celu. Powstała w ramach badań innowacyjna metodologia może okazać się kluczem do urzeczywistnienia szybkich, elastycznych i energooszczędnych „superkomputerów”.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Les ondes de spin pour l'informatique de prochaine g&233;n&233;ration

[Source: Research & Innovation] Les scientifiques développent actuellement des systèmes informatiques de prochaine génération capables de traiter des informations de manière rapide, modulable et éco-énergétique. Le projet SWING financé par l’UE a activement contribué à cet objectif. Ses recherches ont produit une nouvelle méthode innovante qui pourrait s’avérer essentielle pour donner vie à ces «supercalculateurs».

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Ondas de esp&237;n para la inform&225;tica de nueva generaci&243;n

[Source: Research & Innovation] Los científicos trabajan en desarrollar sistemas informáticos de nueva generación que procesen información de forma rápida, flexible y eficiente en materia de energía. El proyecto SWING, financiado con fondos europeos, contribuyó activamente a ello. Su investigación ha creado un método nuevo e innovador que podría ser clave para llevar estos «superordenadores» de la mesa de diseño a la realidad.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Spin waves for next-generation computing

[Source: Research & Innovation] Scientists are currently working to develop next-generation computer systems which can process information quickly and flexibly but are also energy-efficient. The EU-funded SWING project also actively contributed to this goal. Their research has produced an innovative new method that could prove key to bringing these 'super computers' from the drawing board to reality.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Spinwellen f&252;r die Datenverarbeitung der Zukunft

[Source: Research & Innovation] Die Wissenschaft arbeitet an der nächsten Generation von Computersystemen, die Informationen schnell und flexibel verarbeiten können und gleichzeitig energieeffizient sind. Auch das EU-finanzierte Projekt SWING war daran aktiv beteiligt und hat eine innovative Methode vorgelegt, die diese „Supercomputer“ vom Reißbrett in die Wirklichkeit katapultieren könnte.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Innovative metal recycling for sustainable tech

[Source: Research & Innovation] EU-funded researchers are developing low-polluting techniques for recovering valuable metals from communications and green technology waste. This 'urban mining' could help to reduce pollution and ensure a secure supply of metals critical to a low-carbon, connected economy.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Friday, January 8, 2021

Health research and innovation - EU funded clinical trial finds new treatments to be effective against COVID-19

[Source: Research & Innovation] An international team of researchers has confirmed that two immunosuppressant drugs – tocilizumab and sarilumab –normally used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, significantly reduce the time spent by COVID-19 patients in intensive care and reduce the risk of death by almost a quarter. These findings are the result of innovative trial designs set up with support from the EU and other research funders.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

European Innovation Council - EIC-EIT: working closer together for Europe's innovators

[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Commission has announced today the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between the European Innovation Council (EIC) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) to reinforce their cooperation to support the best European entrepreneurs. This will enable innovators, innovative SMEs and start-ups, higher education institutions and research organisations to receive quality support services to deploy and scale up innovations faster and with greater impact.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Industrial research and innovation - Industry 5.0: Towards more sustainable, resilient and human-centric industry

[Source: Research & Innovation] The EU’s recovery requires the acceleration of the twin green and digital transitions, so that we build a more sustainable and resilient society and economy. Industry is among the key drivers of this dual transition. The report “Industry 5.0” published today recognises the power of industry to achieve societal goals beyond jobs and growth to become a resilient provider of prosperity, by making production respect the boundaries of our planet and placing the wellbeing of the industrial worker at the centre of the production process.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Research Headlines - Sensing module keeps watch beneath the waves

[Source: Research & Innovation] EU-funded researchers have designed a standard instrument module to monitor conditions in the deep sea. As part of a Europe-wide marine-sensing infrastructure, the modules will supply reliable long-term data on the state of our seas and oceans.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Research Headlines - Like father like son: how brain health can traverse generations

[Source: Research & Innovation] Your father's exercise routine may have made you smarter according to EU-funded researchers studying how lifestyle choices affect brain function and memory. The findings could lead to new treatments for neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - New-generation power semiconductors, made in Europe

[Source: Research & Innovation] An EU, industry, national and regional-funded research project has developed the next generation of energy-efficient power semiconductors, using gallium nitride devices on innovative substrates. They can switch more quickly at high voltages and current densities and will power the smaller and cheaper energy-efficient applications of tomorrow.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed