Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Research Headlines - Crops grown on contaminated land could fuel bioeconomy

[Source: Research & Innovation] The global bioeconomy is growing, but it must overcome hurdles including avoiding competition with land used for food production. An EU- and industry-funded project is exploring using contaminated and waste land for biocrops.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

EMP-E 2020: Modelling Climate Neutrality for the European Green Deal - 6-8 October 2020, Online

[Source: Research & Innovation] The fourth conference of the Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) will take place on 6– 8 October 2020 and will be hosted by the European Commission DG Research & Innovation. The conference is organised in co-operation with the H2020 Energy Modelling Group, made up of eight Horizon 2020 projects.   The EMP-E brings together scientists and policy makers working on current energy modelling and energy policy issues, looking at the current and future opportunities for change. This annual conference seeks to bridge the gap between scientific modellers and policy makers at all levels. More info and registration:

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Monday, September 28, 2020

Press Centre - European Research and Innovation Days 2020 bring together over 35 000 participants online

[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Commission has brought together thousands of policymakers, researchers, innovators, businesspeople and citizens in a unique digital event on the future of research and innovation.

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Research Headlines - Green solutions to lower urban air pollution

[Source: Research & Innovation] Air pollution is a major risk factor for health in Europe. EU-funded research is helping to find innovative, inexpensive and green solutions for improving air quality, particularly in urban environments.

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Research Headlines - Big data offers big gains for transport operators

[Source: Research & Innovation] A huge EU-funded project has demonstrated how big data and artificial intelligence could transform Europe's transport sector, cutting costs and fuel consumption on road, rail, air and sea while boosting operational efficiency and improving customer experience.

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Thursday, September 24, 2020

European Innovation Council - Commitment to ensure ‘systematic and structural cooperation’ between the EIC and the EIT

[Source: Research & Innovation] A Letter of Intent was signed today setting out a common objective between the European Innovation Council (EIC) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology’s first Knowledge and Innovation Communities - KICs (EIT Climate-KIC, EIT Digital and EIT InnoEnergy) (EIT), to maximise EU support for game-changing innovators and entrepreneurs across Europe.

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European Capital of Innovation Award - Leuven is European Capital of Innovation 2020

[Source: Research & Innovation] The city of Leuven in Belgium is the European Capital of Innovation 2020, the Commission announced today at the European Research and Innovation Days. The award recognises Leuven’s excellent innovation concepts as well as processes and governance models creating a framework that brings ideas to life. The municipality will receive a €1,000,000 prize funded under Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation programme.

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European Innovation Council - EIC Horizon Prize on Affordable High-Tech for Humanitarian Aid: Commission awards five outstanding solutions

[Source: Research & Innovation] Five exceptional innovations that can make a big difference in the lives of the most vulnerable people around the world have won the EIC Horizon Prize on Affordable High-Tech for Humanitarian Aid. Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, announced the five winners at the European Research and Innovation Days.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Research Headlines - Better planned care improves cancer patient welfare

[Source: Research & Innovation] An EU-funded project carried out an 'advance care planning' trial on patients with late-stage cancer in a bid to improve their welfare and boost their involvement in care-giving decision-making.

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Women Innovators prize - EU Prize for Women Innovators 2020: And the winners are...

[Source: Research & Innovation] Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, revealed today the four winners of this year’s edition of the EU Prize for Women Innovators. The prize is funded under Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation programme.

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Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - Commission announces the winners of Horizon Impact Award 2020

[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Commission has announced the winners of the second edition of Horizon Impact Award, a prize dedicated to EU-funded projects that have created societal impact across Europe and beyond.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Press Centre - European Research and Innovation Days: Europe’s flagship event on the future of research and innovation starts today

[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Research and Innovation Days, Europe’s annual flagship event on the future of research and innovation are starting today and will take place online until 24 September. This year’s event will take place fully virtually, feature more than 100 different sessions and connect over 28.000 policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens to discuss how research and innovation policy and funding can deliver on the European Green Deal, Shaping Europe’s digital future, the renewed European Research Area and other priorities.

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Horizon Europe - Top experts hand over their proposals for EU missions to the Commission for a greener, healthier and more resilient Europe

[Source: Research & Innovation] Today at the European Research and Innovation Days, high-level independent experts presented their proposals to the European Commission for possible EU missions on some of our most pressing societal challenges. By 2030, the proposed missions aim to find solutions for saving more lives from cancer, making Europe climate resilient, restoring our ocean and waters, achieving 100 climate-neutral cities, and ensuring 75% of soils are healthy.

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Monday, September 21, 2020

Research Headlines - De nouveaux moyens d'accro&238;tre la population ovine europ&233;enne et la rentabilit&233; des &233;levages

[Source: Research & Innovation] La production ovine en Europe est en déclin, ce qui signifie que l’UE importe plus de viande ovine que jamais. Un projet financé par l’UE réunit les principaux pays producteurs de moutons d’Europe pour élaborer de nouvelles solutions et établir de bonnes pratiques. Ainsi, les éleveurs constatent déjà une augmentation de la production et de la rentabilité, qui profitera également aux consommateurs.

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Research Headlines - Neue Wege zur Steigerung des europ&228;ischen Schafbestands - und der Rentabilit&228;t der Schafhaltung

[Source: Research & Innovation] Europas Schafhaltung geht zurück. In der Folge importiert die EU heute mehr Schaffleisch als je zuvor. Deshalb vereint ein EU-finanziertes Projekt Europas führende Schafhaltungsnationen, um neue Lösungen und bewährte Verfahren zu entwickeln. Europaweit verzeichnet die Landwirtschaft nun bereits einen Anstieg in Erzeugung wie auch Rentabilität, der auch den Verbrauchern zugutekommen wird.

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Research Headlines - New ways to increase Europe's sheep population - and sheep profitability

[Source: Research & Innovation] Sheep production in Europe is on the decline - meaning the EU is now importing more sheep meat than ever. That's why an EU-funded project is bringing Europe's leading sheep producing countries together to create new solutions and best practices. As a result, farmers across Europe are already seeing an increase in both sheep production and profitability that will also benefit consumers.

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Research Headlines - Nowe sposoby na zwi&281;kszanie pog&322;owia owiec i op&322;acalno&347;ci ich hodowli w Europie

[Source: Research & Innovation] Wydajność chowu owiec w Europie spada, co oznacza, że importujemy więcej baraniny niż kiedykolwiek w historii. Z tego powodu zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu skupia największych europejskich producentów owiec, by wspólnie opracowywać nowe rozwiązania i najlepsze praktyki, które zapewnią europejskim hodowcom wzrost wydajności i opłacalności hodowli, co przełoży się na korzyści dla konsumentów.

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Research Headlines - Nuevos m&233;todos para aumentar la poblaci&243;n y rentabilidad ovina

[Source: Research & Innovation] La producción ovina en Europa está en declive y se importa más carne de ovino que nunca. Por eso hay un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos para que los países que lideran esta explotación agrícola colaboren y creen nuevas soluciones y mejores prácticas. Así, ganaderos de toda Europa ya ven un aumento en la producción ovina y su rentabilidad, lo que acabará por beneficiar al consumidor.

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Research Headlines - Nuovi metodi per aumentare la popolazione ovina europea e la sua redditivit&224;

[Source: Research & Innovation] In Europa la produzione ovina è in calo: l’UE sta dunque importando più carne ovina che mai. Perciò un progetto finanziato dall’UE sta unendo i paesi europei leader nella produzione ovina per nuove soluzioni e migliori prassi. Di conseguenza, gli allevatori in Europa stanno già assistendo a un incremento della produzione ovina e della sua redditività che porterà benefici anche ai consumatori.

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Press Centre - Fusion research and innovation: three researchers awarded

[Source: Research & Innovation] Today, the European Commission revealed the winners of the 2020 edition of the SOFT Innovation Prize. This prize, awarded at the 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2020), gives recognition to outstanding researchers or industries who have found innovative ideas or proposed new solutions in fusion research.

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Friday, September 18, 2020

Health research and innovation - Commission supports international clinical research network to treat COVID-19

[Source: Research & Innovation] An ambitious new EU-funded research initiative, EU-RESPONSE, will establish a clinical research network to treat COVID-19 and other emerging infectious diseases. The Commission announced today that it will support the project with €15.7 million.

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Research Headlines - Laying tracks for new railway signalling and automation

[Source: Research & Innovation] An EU-and industry-funded research project has provided guidance for ongoing research contributing to the development of a flexible, intelligent real-time traffic management and decision-support system in a bid to help boost the competitiveness and sustainability of European rail.

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Transport research and innovation - New recommendations for a safe and ethical transition towards driverless mobility

[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Commission has published today a report by an independent group of experts on Ethics of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs). Who should be responsible in case of a collision when there is no human driver? How can ethical and responsible data sharing by CAVs be ensured? Are pedestrians and cyclists more at risk with CAVs in traffic? In this new report, the Expert Group outlines twenty recommendations on road safety, privacy, fairness, AI explainability and responsibility for the development and deployment of connected and automated vehicles.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Research Headlines - Troubled pasts, and their implication for European integration

[Source: Research & Innovation] How do you build a common future from a legacy of conflict? Determination goes a long way, as the history of the EU shows – but building bridges is not easy. EU-funded researchers are analysing collective memories of past strife that still affects community relations today, in a bid to help advance European integration.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Research Headlines - Aquatic robots to monitor how climate change impacts Venice's lagoon

[Source: Research & Innovation] Climate change, pollution, mass tourism, and invasive species are wreaking havoc on large lagoon areas like Venice. To help monitor - and mitigate - the impact these factors have underwater, one EU-funded project is using a swarm of autonomous aquatic robots. As a result, researchers can now take multiple measurements at the same time and from different places, which will be hugely beneficial in the fight against climate change.

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Research Headlines - Des robots aquatiques pour surveiller l'impact du changement climatique sur la lagune de Venise

[Source: Research & Innovation] Le changement climatique, la pollution, le tourisme de masse et les espèces invasives font des ravages dans les grandes zones lagunaires comme Venise. Pour aider à surveiller, et atténuer, l’impact de ces facteurs sous l’eau, un projet financé par l’UE utilise une flotte de robots aquatiques autonomes. Les chercheurs peuvent donc désormais prendre plusieurs mesures simultanées à différents endroits, ce qui sera extrêmement utile dans la lutte contre le changement climatique.

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Research Headlines - Robot acquatici per monitorare gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici sulla laguna di Venezia

[Source: Research & Innovation] Cambiamenti climatici, inquinamento, turismo di massa e specie invasive scatenano il caos in vaste aree lagunari come Venezia. Per monitorare e ridurre l’impatto di tali fattori sott’acqua, un progetto finanziato dall’UE sta utilizzando uno sciame di robot acquatici autonomi. In questo modo, i ricercatori possono effettuare, allo stesso tempo e da posti differenti, varie misurazioni estremamente utili nella lotta contro i cambiamenti climatici.

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Research Headlines - Robots acu&225;ticos para vigilar c&243;mo afecta el cambio clim&225;tico a la laguna de Venecia

[Source: Research & Innovation] El cambio climático, la contaminación, el turismo masivo y las especies invasoras causan estragos en grandes áreas lacustres como Venecia. Un proyecto de la UE usa un enjambre de robots acuáticos autónomos para vigilar y mitigar el impacto subacuático de estos factores. Así, los investigadores pueden tomar muchas medidas a la vez y desde varios sitios, lo que ayudará a combatir el cambio climático.

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Research Headlines - Roboty wodne do monitorowania wp&322;ywu zmian klimatycznych na weneckie laguny

[Source: Research & Innovation] Zmiany klimatu, zanieczyszczenia, masowa turystyka i gatunki inwazyjne sieją spustoszenie na dużych obszarach laguny, takich jak Wenecja. W finansowanym przez UE projekcie wykorzystano rój autonomicznych robotów, by monitorować i łagodzić wpływ tych zmian na środowisko wodne. Dzięki niemu badacze mogą zebrać jednocześnie wiele danych z różnych miejsc, co pomoże w walce ze skutkami zmian klimatu.

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Research Headlines - Wasserroboter &252;berwachen Klimawandelfolgen in venezianischer Lagune

[Source: Research & Innovation] Klimawandel, Umweltverschmutzung, Massentourismus und invasive Arten richten in großen Lagunenregionen wie Venedig verheerende Schäden an. Zur Überwachung – und Linderung – der Folgen für die Unterwasserwelt nutzt ein EU-finanziertes Projekt kleine autonome Wasserroboter. Forschende führen nun gleichzeitig Messungen an verschiedenen Punkten durch, was im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel sehr hilfreich sein wird.

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Press Centre - Horizon Impact Award 2020: 10 finalists short-listed

[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Commission has announced the 10 projects to reach the final stage of the second edition of Horizon Impact Award – a prize dedicated to EU-funded projects whose results have created societal impact across Europe and beyond. The prize acknowledges and rewards the most influential and impactful project results under Horizon 2020.

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Monday, September 14, 2020

Research Headlines - Greener flights from greener fields - using aviation biofuel

[Source: Research & Innovation] Jet fuel from renewable sources holds the key to significantly reducing the environmental impact of aviation. EU-funded researchers have set out to boost Europe's production capacity, and are also developing a process that would leverage the growing of feedstock to rehabilitate land at risk of desertification.

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Friday, September 11, 2020

Research Headlines - Creating a buzz around 'fly farming'

[Source: Research & Innovation] EU-funded researchers have delivered new knowledge on the artificial mass-rearing of certain species of flies. The findings are particularly timely since European legislation recently opened the door for some farmed fly species to be used as feed in the aquaculture sector.

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Health research and innovation - Commission supports crucial research on convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19

[Source: Research & Innovation] An important new EU-funded research project, SUPPORT-E, will support and coordinate efforts to determine if COVID-19 convalescent plasma transfusion – using plasma from patients who recovered from the disease - is an effective and safe treatment. The Commission announced today that it will support the project with €4 million.

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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Research Headlines - Bacterial biofilters could cut greenhouse gas and clean water

[Source: Research & Innovation] By building a better picture of the complex activities and relationships between anaerobic microorganisms, EU-funded researchers aim to discover more sustainable ways of cleaning water and curbing greenhouse gas emissions.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Research Headlines - AAutomatisierte Spargelernte senkt Kosten und verbessert Ernte

[Source: Research & Innovation] Die Ernte von weißem Spargel erfolgt überwiegend manuell. Die damit verbundenen Kosten sind für die Landwirtschaft finanziell belastend. Daher hat ein EU-finanziertes Projekt ein automatisiertes Erntewerkzeug entwickelt, das selektiv nur reifen Spargel erntet und die Pflanzen dabei nicht beschädigt. Das ist kostensparend, verbessert die Erntequalität und macht harte körperliche Arbeit überflüssig.

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Research Headlines - Automated asparagus harvesting cuts costs, improves crops

[Source: Research & Innovation] Harvesting white asparagus relies heavily on manual labour, an expense that places a financial strain on farmers. To address this, an EU-funded project has developed an automated harvesting tool that selectively picks only ripe asparagus and doesn’t damage the crop. This saves farmers money, improves crop quality and removes the need for back-breaking work.

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Research Headlines - Geautomatiseerd oogsten van asperges verlaagt kosten, verbetert gewas

[Source: Research & Innovation] Het oogsten van witte asperges is erg afhankelijk van handarbeid, een kostenpost die zorgt voor financiële druk bij boeren. Om dit aan te pakken, is met een door de EU gefinancierd project een geautomatiseerde steker ontwikkeld die alleen rijpe asperges steekt zonder het gewas te beschadigen. Dit bespaart boeren geld, verbetert de gewaskwaliteit en maakt zwaar lichamelijk werk overbodig.

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Research Headlines - La cosecha automatizada de espárragos reduce los costes y mejora los cultivos

[Source: Research & Innovation] La cosecha de espárragos blancos depende mucho del trabajo manual, gasto que ejerce una presión financiera sobre los agricultores. Un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos ha desarrollado una cosechadora automatizada que recoge de forma selectiva solo los espárragos maduros sin dañar los cultivos. Esto ahorra dinero y un trabajo agotador a los agricultores y mejora la calidad de los cultivos.

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Research Headlines - La raccolta automatizzata degli asparagi riduce i costi e migliora le colture

[Source: Research & Innovation] La raccolta degli asparagi bianchi si affida in larga parte al lavoro manuale, una spesa che grava pesantemente sugli agricoltori. Per risolvere questo problema, un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha sviluppato un raccoglitore automatizzato che seleziona solo gli asparagi maturi e non danneggia le colture. Ciò fa risparmiare denaro agli agricoltori, migliora la qualità delle colture ed evita il lavoro massacrante nei campi.

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Research Headlines - Une r&233;colte automatis&233;e des asperges r&233;duit les co&251;ts et am&233;liore les cultures

[Source: Research & Innovation] La récolte des asperges blanches repose essentiellement sur le travail manuel, un véritable fardeau financier pour les agriculteurs. Pour y remédier, un projet financé par l’UE a développé un outil de récolte automatisé qui ne cueille que les asperges mûres et n’endommage pas les cultures. Cela permet aux agriculteurs de réaliser des économies, d’améliorer la qualité des cultures et d’éviter les travaux laborieux.

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Research Headlines - Zautomatyzowany zbi&243;r szparag&243;w obni&380;a koszty i poprawia jako&347;&263; plon&243;w

[Source: Research & Innovation] Zbiór białych szparagów opiera się w dużej mierze na pracy robotników, zwiększając koszty ponoszone przez rolników. Uczestnicy pewnego unijnego projektu zaprojektowali i zbudowali zautomatyzowane narzędzie, zbierające wyłącznie dojrzałe szparagi bez uszkadzania upraw, zapewniające rolnikom oszczędności, poprawiające jakość zbiorów i eliminujące konieczność wykonywania żmudnej pracy.

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Monday, September 7, 2020

Research Headlines - Insights into treating rare cancer tumours benefit patients

[Source: Research & Innovation] What is the best way to tackle sarcomas? Although clinical trials help to generate insight, they are hard to set up for rare diseases. An EU-funded project has organised several trials focusing on these malignancies, providing insight that is already helping to save more lives. It has also paved the way for further research to help patients.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Horizon Europe - Have your say on EU missions for adapting to climate change, conquering cancer, greener cities and healthy oceans and soils

[Source: Research & Innovation] How would you tackle adaptation to climate change? Got an idea to make cities greener? Care about healthy oceans, and healthy soils for food, people and the planet? Want to help conquer cancer? Now you can share your views with the Commission in the EU missions’ call for ideas, open from 1 to 14 September 2020.

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Horizon Europe - Share your views on Horizon Europe’s priorities for the next four years

[Source: Research & Innovation] How do we design an ambitious EU research and innovation programme that supports the green and digital transitions for a sustainable coronavirus recovery? To answer this question we need your help. Have your say on Horizon Europe’s first Strategic Plan, which will guide the work programmes and topics for the new programme’s first four years.

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