Thursday, July 30, 2020

Research Headlines - Protein analysis paints clearer picture of health and disease

[Source: Research & Innovation] A visit to your doctor could soon provide a much more complete picture of your overall health thanks to new technologies developed by EU-funded researchers. They will enable a quick and accurate analysis of proteins from blood or urine samples to be carried out in the clinic.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Research Headlines - Machines help humans take control

[Source: Research & Innovation] Employees can often have difficulty working with sophisticated machinery in modern factories. EU-funded researchers have now devised a control interface that can adapt to the experience and abilities of any operator.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Press Centre - Commission launches a Manifesto to maximise the accessibility of research results in the fight against coronavirus

[Source: Research & Innovation] The Commission has launched a Manifesto today to maximise the accessibility of research results in the fight against Covid-19. The Manifesto provides guiding principles for beneficiaries of EU research grants for coronavirus prevention, testing, treatment and vaccination to ensure that their research results will be accessible for all and guarantee a return on public investment.

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Friday, July 24, 2020

Research Headlines - New technologies for safer, tastier food

[Source: Research & Innovation] Food-processing technology advances can help producers make healthier, more attractive food with a longer shelf life. To boost uptake of new methods, an EU-funded project has trialled three promising technologies under industrial conditions.

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Science with and for Society - European Commissions supports Erasmus+ European Universities pilot with an additional 34 million from Horizon 2020

[Source: Research & Innovation] Today, the European Commission announced that the first 17 alliances of universities selected under the Erasmus+ programme will each receive a complementary EUR 2 million support from Horizon 2020. With this support, the European Universities will explore further integration and transformation in their research and innovation missions.

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Press Centre - Jean-Pierre Bourguignon appointed as interim President of the European Research Council

[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Commission has appointed Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon as interim President of the European Research Council (ERC), the EU's funding body for investigator-driven frontier research. The mandate as ERC President ad interim will start on 27 July 2020. The new ERC President is expected to take office in 2021.

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Thursday, July 23, 2020

European Innovation Council - First “Green Deal” funding from EIC awards over €307 million to 64 startups set to support the recovery plan for Europe

[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Innovation Council has awarded over €307 million to 64 game-changing ‘green deal’ start-ups and SMEs contributing to the objectives of the European Green Deal Strategy and the Recovery Plan for Europe. Winning proposals range from innovative solutions for the automotive, aerospace and maritime sectors to advanced materials or Internet of Things technologies.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Health research and innovation - Coronavirus: EU supports vaccine research with additional €100 million

[Source: Research & Innovation] The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), a global partnership created in 2017 to develop vaccines to prevent future epidemics, has launched a call to support the rapid development and global manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines. The EU will co-fund the call with €100 million.

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Research Headlines - Banking on construction materials for eco-benefits

[Source: Research & Innovation] The building industry produces a significant volume of waste which, in turn, creates a sizeable environmental impact. EU-funded research has developed know-how and tools to help the construction sector embrace the circular economy and increase the reuse, reconfiguration and recycling of products, materials, components and buildings.

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Friday, July 17, 2020

Research Headlines - Innovative contrast agents for more versatile medical imaging

[Source: Research & Innovation] EU-funded researchers have developed an innovative and 'smart' prototype contrast mechanism for use in medical imaging that could provide doctors with important new insights to help diagnose injury and disease.

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Thursday, July 16, 2020

International Cooperation - European Union and African Union research and innovation ministers meet for the first time

[Source: Research & Innovation] The discussion, taking place by videoconference, focused on research and innovation (R&I) activities addressing the human health impacts and the more far-reaching socio-economic effects of COVID-19.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Research Headlines - Getting smart with electricity networks

[Source: Research & Innovation] An EU-funded project has helped to drive the development and use of smart grid solutions across Europe. It has also provided external engineering teams with free access to state-of-the-art facilities to enable them to carry out their own research.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Monday, July 13, 2020

Research Headlines - La robotica aiuta le piante a prosperare negli ambienti urbani

[Source: Research & Innovation] Le città affollate non sono esattamente luoghi ottimali per lo sviluppo delle piante. Tuttavia, un team di ricercatori finanziato dall’UE usa la robotica per far crescere le piante nelle configurazioni innaturali richieste dagli ambienti urbani. Le città potrebbero presto beneficiare di una robusta infrastruttura verde impiegata per ogni cosa, dalla produzione alimentare al controllo climatico.

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Research Headlines - La robotique au service de la croissance des plantes dans les environnements urbains

[Source: Research & Innovation] Les villes surpeuplées ne sont pas un environnement optimal pour la croissance des plantes. Une équipe de chercheurs financés par l’UE a recours à la robotique pour aider les plantes à prendre les tailles et configurations qu’exigent les milieux urbains. Ainsi, les villes pourraient bientôt bénéficier d’une infrastructure verte utilisée pour tout de la production alimentaire au contrôle du climat.

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Research Headlines - Ro&347;liny w &347;rodowisku miejskim, czyli zielona infrastruktura dzi&281;ki robotyce

[Source: Research & Innovation] Zatłoczone miasta nie kojarzą się z ostoją dzikiej przyrody. Jednak zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu postanowił sięgnąć po rozwiązania z zakresu robotyki, żeby pomóc roślinom osiągać nienaturalne kształty, rozmiary i formy, które pozwolą im idealnie przystosować się do życia w środowisku miejskim. Może to oznaczać, że już wkrótce będziemy mogli zmieniać nasze miasta dzięki zielonej infrastrukturze wykorzystywanej do różnych celów: od produkcji żywności po kontrolowanie klimatu.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Rob&243;tica para ayudar a las plantas a proliferar en entornos urbanos

[Source: Research & Innovation] Las ciudades abarrotadas no son el mejor lugar para que proliferen las plantas. Un equipo de investigadores financiados con fondos europeos emplea la robótica para que las plantas adapten automáticamente su morfología a los entornos urbanos. Así las ciudades podrían beneficiarse pronto de una infraestructura verde y robusta multiuso: desde la producción de alimentos hasta el control climático.

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Research Headlines - Roboter helfen Pflanzen, in urbanen R&228;umen zu gedeihen

[Source: Research & Innovation] Überfüllte Städte sind nicht gerade die ideale Umgebung für ein gutes Gedeihen von Pflanzen. Ein EU-finanziertes Forschungsteam lenkt mithilfe von Robotik das Wachstum von Pflanzen in die unnatürlichen Formen, Größen und Ausrichtungen, die urbane Räume erfordern. So könnten Städte bald von einer soliden grünen, vielseitig nutzbaren, Infrastruktur profitieren, die von der Lebensmittelproduktion bis hin zur Klimaregulierung reicht.

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Research Headlines - Robotics to help plants thrive in urban environments

[Source: Research & Innovation] Crowded cities aren't exactly optimal environments for plants to thrive. However, a team of EU-funded researchers is using robotics to help plants automatically grow into the unnatural shapes, sizes, and configurations that urban environments demand. As a result, cities could soon benefit from a robust green infrastructure used for everything from food production to climate control.

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Press Centre - Commission seeks candidates for the ERC Scientific Council

[Source: Research & Innovation] An independent Identification Committee set up by the European Commission has begun the search for potential candidates for membership of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC). Nominations are accepted until 30 September 2020.

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Women Innovators prize - EU Prize for Women Innovators 2020: 21 entrepreneurs are through to the final

[Source: Research & Innovation] Twenty-one of the most talented and inspiring women entrepreneurs working in Europe are in the shortlist for the EU Prize for Women Innovators 2020. The prize celebrates the outstanding achievements of female entrepreneurs running innovative companies and is funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation. This year’s finalists are pioneering game-changing innovations across a wide range of industries and help combat global challenges.

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Research Headlines - Acc&233;l&233;rer le d&233;veloppement de vaccins pour combattre la COVID-19

[Source: Research & Innovation] Le développement d’un vaccin est un processus long et complexe. Mais comme la pandémie mondiale actuelle l’a clairement démontré, le temps est un facteur essentiel. C’est pourquoi un groupe de chercheurs financés par l’UE a lancé une plateforme qui fournit des services, un soutien, un réseau et une formation afin d’aider à accélérer le développement de vaccins importants, dont un pour la COVID-19.

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Research Headlines - Accelerare lo sviluppo dei vaccini per la lotta contro la Covid-19

[Source: Research & Innovation] Lo sviluppo di un vaccino è un processo complesso e dispendioso in termini di tempo. Tuttavia, come abbondantemente evidenziato dalla pandemia globale attuale, il tempo è essenziale. Ecco perché un team di ricercatori finanziati dall’UE ha avviato una piattaforma che offre servizi, supporto, rete e formazione per accelerare lo sviluppo di vaccini importanti, compreso quello per la Covid-19.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Accelerating vaccine development for the fight against COVID-19

[Source: Research & Innovation] Developing a vaccine is a time-consuming and complex process. But as the current global pandemic has made abundantly clear, time is of the essence. That is why a group of EU-funded researchers launched a platform that provides services, support, networking, and training to help accelerate the development of important vaccines, including one for COVID-19.

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Research Headlines - Acelerar el desarrollo de vacunas para luchar contra la COVID-19

[Source: Research & Innovation] Desarrollar una vacuna es un proceso largo y complejo, pero, como ha dejado bien claro la pandemia actual, el tiempo es esencial. Esa es la razón por la que un grupo de investigadores financiados con fondos europeos ha creado una plataforma que proporciona servicios, apoyo, redes de contacto y formación para ayudar a acelerar el desarrollo de vacunas importantes, incluida la de la COVID-19.

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Research Headlines - Beschleunigung der Impfstoffentwicklung im Kampf gegen COVID-19

[Source: Research & Innovation] Die Entwicklung eines Impfstoffs ist ein zeitaufwendiger, komplexer Prozess. Aber wie die aktuelle globale Pandemie verdeutlicht, ist Zeit ein entscheidender Faktor. Eine EU-finanzierte Forschungsgruppe hat daher eine Plattform ins Leben gerufen, die Dienstleistungen, Unterstützung, Vernetzung und Schulungen anbietet, um die Impfstoffentwicklung, u. a. gegen COVID-19, zu beschleunigen.

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Research Headlines - Przyspieszenie prac nad szczepionk&261; przeciw COVID-19

[Source: Research & Innovation] Opracowanie nowej szczepionki to długi i złożony proces. Jednak jak pokazuje trwająca obecnie globalna pandemia, nie ma czasu do stracenia. To dlatego zespół finansowanych przez UE naukowców uruchomił platformę, która oferuje usługi, wsparcie i szkolenia oraz możliwości nawiązywania współpracy, żeby przyspieszyć prace nad potrzebnymi szczepionkami, w tym szczepionką przeciw COVID-19.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Building the future 2020 - boosting innovation in the construction industry - 15 July 2020

[Source: Research & Innovation] Energy efficiency in buildings is a major global challenge: Buildings and their construction account for 36 percent of global energy use and 39 percent of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions annually. But how can we make this industry more sustainable?Join INNOVIP online event "Building the future 2020 - boosting innovation in the construction industry" on 15 July 2020 if you would like to find out how innovative new construction materials and solutions can help reduce the carbon footprint of buildings and foster a circular economy. You will get valuable insights into developments in the building sector that go beyond state-of-the-artThe event marks the finalisation of the EU project INNOVIP (GA #723441). It is hosted by the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) in collaboration with the Forschungsinstitut für Wärmeschutz (FIW) and the Network for Solid Construction Bavaria.Participation is free of charge, but registration until 13 July is compulsory.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - New crop to provide bio-based products from poorest soils

[Source: Research & Innovation] By adapting the Andean lupin to grow as a biomass crop in Europe's poorest soils, the goal of the EU-and industry-funded LIBBIO project is to supply a range of products to the food, animal feed and cosmetics industries.

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Monday, July 6, 2020

Research Headlines - Silks and shells can repair human tissue

[Source: Research & Innovation] Under the EU-funded project REMIX, researchers from Europe and Asia have joined forces to turn natural textile and food fibres, including silk and shells, into cutting-edge medical applications such as prosthetics and human tissue repair.

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Closing webinar of the Scientific Panel for Health - ‘Recommendations for health research in Europe - Design for Impact’ - 13 July 2020, Online

[Source: Research & Innovation] The Scientific Panel for Health, SPH, was established under Horizon 2020 as ‘a science-led stakeholder platform which elaborates scientific input, [expected to] provide a coherent scientific focused analysis of research and innovation bottlenecks and opportunities related to [health], contribute to the definition of [its] research and innovation priorities, and encourage Union-wide scientific participation’ Under its mandate, the SPH has organized conferences and workshops with stakeholders to formulate recommendation on how European health research could be made more impactful and contribute to better health. The aim of this webinar is to present and discuss the SPH recommendations for health research in Europe, as developed in SPH events with extensive stakeholder engagement during the SPH’s mandate of the past 5 years.

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Friday, July 3, 2020

Research Headlines - Laser technology to protect critical infrastructure from lightning strikes

[Source: Research & Innovation] Lightning strikes can cause substantial damage to buildings and critical infrastructure, such as airports. To mitigate this risk, one EU project is attempting to use powerful laser technology to control where lightning strikes. If successful, the resulting laser lightning rod could help save money - and lives.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Lassen sich kritische Infrastrukturen mit Lasertechnik vor Blitzschl&228;gen sch&252;tzen?

[Source: Research & Innovation] Blitzschläge können immense Schäden an Gebäuden und kritischen Infrastrukturen wie Flughäfen verursachen. Um dieses Risiko zu mindern, nutzt ein EU-Projekt leistungsstarke Lasertechnik, um zu steuern, wo der Blitz einschlägt. Der sich daraus ergebende Laser-Blitzableiter kann den Geldbeutel schonen – und Leben retten.

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Research Headlines - Technologia laserowa ochroni infrastruktur&281; krytyczn&261; przed uderzeniami piorun&243;w

[Source: Research & Innovation] Uderzenia piorunów mogą spowodować poważne uszkodzenia budynków oraz infrastruktury krytycznej, na przykład lotnisk. W celu zmniejszenia tego zagrożenia uczestnicy jednego z projektów finansowanych przez UE wykorzystują zaawansowaną technologię laserową, aby kontrolować miejsca uderzeń piorunów. Laserowa instalacja odgromowa może zmniejszć straty finansowe i pomóc ratować życie ludzkie.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Una tecnolog&237;a l&225;ser para proteger las infraestructuras cr&237;ticas de los rayos

[Source: Research & Innovation] Los rayos pueden causar daños cuantiosos a edificios e infraestructuras críticas como, por ejemplo, los aeropuertos. Para reducir este riesgo, un proyecto de la UE utiliza una potente tecnología láser para controlar dónde caen los rayos. El pararrayos láser resultante podría ahorrar dinero y salvar vidas.

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Research Headlines - Una tecnologia laser per proteggere le infrastrutture critiche dai fulmini

[Source: Research & Innovation] I fulmini possono provocare notevoli danni a edifici e infrastrutture critiche, tra cui gli aeroporti. Per mitigare questo rischio, un progetto dell’UE sta impiegando una potente tecnologia laser per controllare i punti colpiti dai fulmini. Il parafulmine laser così ottenuto potrebbe aiutare a risparmiare denaro e salvare vite.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

Research Headlines - Une technologie laser pour prot&233;ger les infrastructures critiques contre la foudre

[Source: Research & Innovation] La foudre peut causer des dommages importants aux bâtiments et aux infrastructures critiques comme les aéroports. Pour atténuer ce risque, un projet de l’UE utilise une technologie laser puissante pour contrôler l’endroit où frappe la foudre. Le paratonnerre laser qui en résulte pourrait permettre d’économiser de l’argent et de sauver des vies.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Research Headlines - Combatting corrosion with smart, green protective coatings

[Source: Research & Innovation] EU-funded researchers have developed smart multifunctional coatings to combat corrosion on aircraft components and car parts in order to lower maintenance costs and protect the environment.

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