Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Examining the utility of music interventions for children with learning disabilities - 28 November 2016, London, United Kingdom

[Source: Research & Innovation] Music is a source of stimulation and of reflection for everyone and for all time. The use of music to soothe a troubled mind reaches back into the distant past: David the shepherd played his harp to calm the moody King Saul. In modern times, music is provided to children affected by a range of conditions such as autism or chronic neurological disorders - but do we have the evidence of benefit which stands scrutiny? The topic of arts interventions in medicine, following many years of arts/music activities for children with learning disabilities in hospitals and homes, has come under increased research scrutiny in recent years. Live Music Now has for years been promoting and organising professional musicians in special schools, hospitals, hospices and residential homes for the disadvantaged in society, principally for the young with disabilities and for the elderly, has won awards for its activities and is actively involved with projects to demonstrate the positive effects of such music interventions in improving health. This is the second conference organised jointly by Live Music Now and the Royal Society of Medicine.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

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