Thursday, April 23, 2015

COEURE workshops - Surveys on Economic Policy Issues - 5 June - 4 September 2015, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (via Research & Innovation)

The COEURE Coordination Action (which stands for COoperation for EUropean Research in Economics) brings together the key stakeholders in the European economic research space – funders, policy-makers and researchers – in a process of stocktaking, consultation and stakeholder collaboration. The aim of this process is to identify the knowledge gaps on key EU economic policy issues and assess the current challenges and opportunities facing European-based researchers, with the ultimate goal to inform the European agenda for research funding. It is funded by the European Commission and carried out under the initiative of the European Economic Association. In view of this objective, eleven economic research areas have been selected for analysis. Following the Call for Interests, prominent scholars have been selected to conduct the surveys in those areas, and a series of workshops will take place. The workshop will bring together leading researchers in the field, policy makers and scientific officers from funding agencies. A first draft of the Survey will be presented and discussed in the first session and the rest of the sessions will focus on different aspects that can help to further develop the a research agenda on the corresponding policy issue in Europe, including further advancement in theoretical and applied research, policy implications, and statistical and data needs. Registration is free but compulsory.

from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed

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