[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Innovation Council (EIC) Advisory Board, an independent group of leading entrepreneurs, researchers, investors and innovation experts, have today published report - A vision and roadmap for impact - to pave the way for the fully-fledged EIC in Horizon Europe (2021 – 2027).
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2YKWQWH
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Monday, June 29, 2020
Group of Chief Scientific Advisors - New scientific opinion on ‘Adaptation to climate change-related health effects’ recommends more support for resilience of the health sector
[Source: Research & Innovation] Today, the European Commission’s independent Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (SAM) published their opinion ‘Adaptation to climate change-related health effects’ which contains advice and recommendations on how the EU can help to make our societies, and in particular health sector, better prepared and more resilient with respect to impacts from climate change on health.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2NE0oUb
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2NE0oUb
Research Headlines - Centro de investigaci&243;n biomolecular europeo respalda el desarrollo de tratamientos para la COVID-19
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Cuando la OMS declaró la pandemia de COVID-19, un proyecto de investigación financiada con fondos europeos aceptó el reto de inmediato. BioExcel, un centro líder de investigación biomolecular computacional de Europa, dio acceso prioritario a sus instalaciones de supercomputación y «software» de vanguardia. Esto ayudará a los investigadores e innovadores de Europa en la lucha contra el coronavirus.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3eJ5U3z
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3eJ5U3z
Research Headlines - Centro europeo per la ricerca biomolecolare a sostegno dello sviluppo di trattamenti per la Covid-19
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Quando l'OMS ha dichiarato la Covid-19 pandemia globale, un progetto di ricerca finanziato dall'UE ha preso in mano la situazione. BioExcel, tra i principali centri europei di ricerca biomolecolare computazionale, ha dato accesso prioritario alle sue strutture di supercalcolo e ai suoi software all'avanguardia. Ciò aiuterà i ricercatori e gli innovatori di tutta Europa nella lotta al coronavirus.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3dPCbFf
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3dPCbFf
Research Headlines - Ett europeiskt biomolekyl&228;rt forskningscentrum st&246;djer utvecklingen av behandlingar mot covid-19
[Source: Research & Innovation]
När WHO förklarade covid-19 som en global pandemi, tog ett EU-finansierat forskningsprojekt genast sig an utmaningen. BioExcel, ett av Europas ledande centrum för databaserad biomolekylär forskning, gav forskare prioriterad tillgång till dess superdatoranläggningar och banbrytande mjukvara. Det kommer att hjälpa forskare och innovatörer över hela Europa i kampen mot coronaviruset.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2YEUpEO
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2YEUpEO
Research Headlines - Europ&228;isches biomolekulares Forschungszentrum unterst&252;tzt Entwicklung von COVID-19-Behandlungen
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Als COVID-19 von der WHO zur globalen Pandemie erklärt wurde, wurde ein EU-finanziertes Forschungsprojekt ins Leben gerufen. BioExcel, ein führendes europäisches Zentrum für computergestützte biomolekulare Forschung, gewährte vorrangigen Zugang zu seinen Supercomputer-Einrichtungen und modernster Software. Das wird der Forschung und Innovation in ganz Europa im Kampf gegen das Coronavirus helfen.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2ZmScx5
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2ZmScx5
Research Headlines - European biomolecular research centre supporting the development of COVID-19 treatments
[Source: Research & Innovation]
When COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic by the WHO, an EU funded research project immediately stepped up to the plate. BioExcel, one of Europe's leading centres for computational biomolecular research, gave priority access to its supercomputing facilities and cutting-edge software. This will help researchers and innovators across Europe in the fight against coronavirus.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/31qe90M
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/31qe90M
Research Headlines - Europejskie centrum bada&324; biomolekularnych wspiera rozw&243;j lek&243;w na COVID-19
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Kiedy WHO ogłosiła pandemię choroby COVID-19, naukowcy pracujący w ramach finansowanego przez UE projektu badawczego natychmiast podjęli wyzwanie. BioExcel, jedno z wiodących europejskich centrów obliczeniowych badań biomolekularnych, niezwłocznie udostępnił swoje superkomputery oraz nowatorskie oprogramowanie. To znaczna pomoc w walce z koronawirusem dla naukowców i innowatorów z całej Europy.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/31ryRxq
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/31ryRxq
Research Headlines - Un centre de recherche europ&233;en en biologie mol&233;culaire soutient le d&233;veloppement de traitements contre la COVID-19
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Quand l'OMS a déclaré la COVID-19 comme une pandémie mondiale, un projet de recherche financé par l'UE a pris ses responsabilités. BioExcel, un important centre de recherche en biologie moléculaire computationnelle d'Europe, a accordé un accès prioritaire à ses supercalculateurs et à son logiciel de pointe. Ces technologies aideront les chercheurs et les innovateurs à lutter contre le coronavirus.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2CSrhld
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2CSrhld
Friday, June 26, 2020
Research Headlines - Robots for real people
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Robot makers tend to assume that their creations will make people's lives easier. Prospective users may not share their enthusiasm, or indeed their perception of the needs. Talk to each other, say EU-funded researchers. Otherwise, the uptake of this fantastic technology will suffer, and potential benefits to society may be lost.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/31hjW8K
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/31hjW8K
RECONNECT Conference: What Future for the European Union? 3 July, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm - 3 July 2020, Online
[Source: Research & Innovation] On 3 July 2020, the Horizon 2020 SC6 project RECONNECT will hold its annual Conference, this time on a virtual setting. Around the general title "What Future for the European Union? Discussions on the Rule of Law and Democracy in the EU after COVID", the conference will host several panels with prominent scholars, civil society representatives as well as the EP Research Service. Ms. Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President of the European Commission for Democracy and Demography, will have a keynote address. Speakers include Ms. Silvia Kotanidis, Prof. Dr. Giulia Sandri, Prof. Dr. Alberto Alemanno, Prof. Dr. Kim Lane Scheppele, Prof. Dr. Ben Crum, Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kritzinger, Dr. Pieter de Wilde, Mr. Michael Meyer-Resende, Dr. Alvaro Oleart, Dr. Rosa Balfour, Prof. Dr. Dieter Grimm, Prof. Dr. Laurent Pech, Dr. Joelle Grogan, and Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters.For a detailed programme and registration to follow online, visit: https://ift.tt/2ZerVke
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2Ba6KI8
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2Ba6KI8
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Horizon Europe - Top experts propose potential EU missions for further consultation with Europeans
[Source: Research & Innovation] Today, high-level independent experts proposed potential EU missions: bold goals to be achieved within a set timeframe aimed at tackling some of our greatest global challenges. These challenges include cancer, adaptation to climate change, healthy oceans, climate-neutral cities and healthy soil and food. Until September, people across Europe will be consulted on the proposals for potential EU missions to make sure that they are relevant for them and make a real difference.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2BzLBai
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2BzLBai
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Press Centre - Joint statement on scientific advice to European policy makers in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
[Source: Research & Innovation] Today the European Commission’s independent Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (GCSA), the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) and Peter Piot, special advisor to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, published a joint statement on scientific advice to European policy makers concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/31dwX3g
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/31dwX3g
Research Headlines - Transforming institutions to foster responsible research
[Source: Research & Innovation]
An EU-funded project is promoting responsible research and innovation in bioscience, using action plans, a sustainable model and guidelines that aim to make research more relevant, inclusive and effective for citizens and businesses.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3fUO0eE
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3fUO0eE
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
European Innovation Council - An official entity: European Innovation Council Equity Fund for high-impact innovation
[Source: Research & Innovation] The EIC Fund, which will provide equity from €0.5m to €15m to breakthrough innovation companies selected for EIC Accelerator blended finance support (grant and equity), has become an official entity. This is the first time the European Commission will make such direct equity investments in companies, with ownership stakes expected to be in general from 10% to 25% in start-up companies.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3fKGJ0E
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3fKGJ0E
Friday, June 19, 2020
European Innovation Council - Twelve finalists in the running for the EIC Horizon Prize for Affordable High-Tech for Humanitarian Aid
[Source: Research & Innovation] On the occasion of World Refugee Day on 20 June, the Commission is announcing the 12 projects that are in the shortlist for the EIC Horizon Prize for Affordable High-Tech for Humanitarian Aid.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/30Wefgo
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/30Wefgo
Research Headlines - Mass-produced European solar panels on the horizon
[Source: Research & Innovation]
An EU-funded project has developed a European version of high-efficiency, next-generation solar technology and a low-cost manufacturing process. The innovative solar cells could boost a switch to solar energy and recharge European solar-panel production.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2YdDgBR
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2YdDgBR
Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - Commission updates Horizon 2020 Work Programme to support coronavirus research and innovation
[Source: Research & Innovation] The Commission is delivering on its pledge to invest €1 billion from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme into coronavirus research and innovation, made at the launch of the Coronavirus Global Response initiative on 4 May. Today, it amended the current Horizon 2020 work programme to confirm this commitment.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2NdBOJq
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2NdBOJq
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Research Headlines - Turning up the heat: how land management impacts heatwaves and droughts
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Understanding the roles land management and its uses play in the overall climate system is critical to mitigating the potential effects of climate change. EU-funded research is helping to enhance our knowledge of these interactions.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3htz2hn
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3htz2hn
Monday, June 15, 2020
Research Headlines - Burning bio-oil to heat homes more sustainably
[Source: Research & Innovation]
An EU-funded project has perfected the production of bio-oil and altered boilers to heat homes - recycling farm and forestry waste whilst cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2C0Wnqa
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2C0Wnqa
Friday, June 12, 2020
Energy research and innovation - 21 Mission Innovation champions to accelerate the clean energy revolution
[Source: Research & Innovation] Mission Innovation (MI) unveiled today the names of 21 innovators who will represent the global MI Champions Programme. This initiative celebrates and supports innovators who are accelerating the clean energy revolution.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2MOA75f
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2MOA75f
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Research Headlines - Cybergenetics brings noisy cells under control
[Source: Research & Innovation]
EU-funded researchers are employing the principles of control engineering to regulate the biochemical machinery inside cells, bringing the day ever closer when bacteria will be used to manufacture biological molecules on demand.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2zo5b8F
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2zo5b8F
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Research Headlines - 'Living bricks' create building blocks for a circular economy
[Source: Research & Innovation]
An EU project has developed highly innovative 'living' bricks that contain chambers of microbes capable of turning human waste, such as urine and grey water, into valuable resources, electricity and clean water.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2Uq8qUt
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2Uq8qUt
Monday, June 8, 2020
Research Headlines - Rounding the circle: taking steps towards a circular economy
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Global overconsumption is not sustainable and it is becoming increasingly evident that serious changes must be made. EU-funded research is helping to support the transition to a circular economy by identifying successful business models and how to implement them.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/30fT3BM
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/30fT3BM
Friday, June 5, 2020
Research Headlines - D&233;velopper un four plus performant et moins polluant
[Source: Research & Innovation]
L'industrie céramique émet une importante quantité de gaz à effet de serre. Afin de réduire cette considérable empreinte carbone, une équipe de chercheurs et de développeurs de l'UE a recouru à la technologie, à des simulations et à des tests pour créer un four plus efficace. Il en résulte un four de pointe à la consommation énergétique optimisée, et aux émissions et aux coûts d'exploitation réduits.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2XC4GBf
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2XC4GBf
Research Headlines - Desarrollo de un horno menos contaminante y con una mejor producci&243;n
[Source: Research & Innovation]
La industria cerámica es responsable de la emisión de una gran cantidad de gases de efecto invernadero. Para ayudar a reducir su considerable huella de carbono, un equipo de investigadores y desarrolladores de la Unión Europea utilizaron tecnología, simulaciones y ensayos para crear un horno más eficiente. El resultado es un horno de última generación que se caracteriza por un consumo energético optimizado, menos emisiones y unos gastos de funcionamiento menores.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2XyXyFB
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2XyXyFB
Research Headlines - Developing a better producing, less polluting kiln
[Source: Research & Innovation]
The ceramics industry is responsible for emitting a substantial amount of greenhouse gases. To help reduce the industry's sizeable carbon footprint, a team of EU-funded researchers and developers used technology, simulations, and testing to create a more efficient kiln. The result: a state-of-the-art kiln defined by optimised energy consumption, reduced emissions, and lower operating costs.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3dEO4yu
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3dEO4yu
Research Headlines - Entwicklung eines effizienteren, umweltfreundlicheren Ofens
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Die Keramikindustrie ist für den Ausstoß einer erheblichen Menge an Treibhausgasen verantwortlich. Mit dem Ziel, die Reduzierung des beachtlichen CO2-Fußabdrucks der Branche zu unterstützen, hat ein EU-finanziertes Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteam Technologie, Simulationen und Tests genutzt, um einen effizienteren Brennofen zu schaffen. Das Ergebnis: ein hochmoderner Brennofen, der sich durch einen optimierten Energieverbrauch, geringere Emissionen und niedrigere Betriebskosten auszeichnet.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/370Bqau
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/370Bqau
Research Headlines - Sviluppare una fornace meno inquinante e pi&249; produttiva
[Source: Research & Innovation]
L'industria della ceramica è responsabile dell'emissione di una considerevole quantità di gas serra. Per contribuire a ridurre la sua vasta impronta di carbonio, un gruppo di ricercatori e sviluppatori finanziato dall'UE ha impiegato tecnologie, simulazioni e test per creare una fornace più efficiente. Il risultato è una soluzione d’avanguardia caratterizzata da un consumo energetico ottimizzato, emissioni ridotte e minori costi operativi.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3dCLuJh
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3dCLuJh
Research Headlines - Wydajny i niskoemisyjny piec do wypalania ceramiki
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Przemysł ceramiczny odpowiada za emisję znacznych ilości gazów cieplarnianych do atmosfery. W celu zmniejszenia dużego śladu węglowego tego sektora, zespół finansowanych przez UE badaczy i programistów wykorzystał symulację, technologię i testy, aby na ich podstawie opracować bardziej efektywny energetycznie piec do wypalania ceramiki. Dzięki temu powstał nowoczesny, niskoemisyjny piec, który zużywa mniej energii i oferuje niższe koszty operacyjne.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2ADsnQC
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2ADsnQC
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
European Innovation Council - European Commission EUvsVirus Matchathon sets world record
[Source: Research & Innovation] Building on the success of the previous EUvsVirus Pan-European Hackathon, a Matchathon to boost the scaling up of creative solutions to coronavirus challenges, took place from 21 to 28 May under the patronage of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and the European Innovation Council (EIC).
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3gOZMZf
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3gOZMZf
Research Headlines - Tidal flows generate huge potential for clean electricity
[Source: Research & Innovation]
More predictable than the wind and sun, tides have a massive potential when it comes to generating clean electricity. With tidal turbines already generating electricity within our seas, the challenge facing the industry now is to reduce costs. A consortium of EU-funded organisations has been using this knowledge to create a novel turbine able to make tidal energy more competitive.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2Aw3whJ
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2Aw3whJ
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