[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Commission has selected 38 of Europe’s most promising start-ups and SMEs to receive funding of between €1 and €17 million to develop and scale up ground-breaking innovations in Europe. This is the last round of funding in the pilot phase of the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator and it received over 4200 applications, the highest number ever.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3gZvRhh
Friday, December 18, 2020
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Press Centre - 2020 EU Industrial Research and Development Scoreboard: EU companies remain robust and increase investment amidst stiff global competition
[Source: Research & Innovation] Companies in the European Union (EU27) have increased their investment in research and development (R&D) for the tenth consecutive year as included in the 2020 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard published today. In 2019, they invested 5.6% more in R&D, up from 4.7% in 2018. This growth is driven by the automobile, ICT and health sectors.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3r6ZoKz
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3r6ZoKz
Press Centre - Commission ensures continuation of the European Research Council and appoints top scientists to its governing body
[Source: Research & Innovation] The Commission has today extended the European Research Council (ERC) established for the period 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2020 until the adoption of the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - Horizon Europe. The Commission today also appointed five new members to the governing body of the ERC, the Scientific Council, and reappointed 16 current members for the same period.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3h2i7T5
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3h2i7T5
Research Headlines - Big data at the service of public safety and security
[Source: Research & Innovation]
An EU-funded consortium has developed an innovative solution to improve public safety and personal security by helping organisations, businesses and citizens harness the benefits of big data more easily and efficiently.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3gXLWnC
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3gXLWnC
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Research Headlines - Computer model targets more effective cancer treatments
[Source: Research & Innovation]
A groundbreaking EU-funded project has created a new method for developing multidrug cancer treatments. Many of the cancers this method targets have proven very difficult to treat with conventional medicines. As a result, this innovation has the potential to save thousands of lives every year.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2Kn1RQm
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2Kn1RQm
Research Headlines - Computermodelle f&252;r wirksamere Krebsbehandlungen
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Ein bahnbrechendes EU-finanziertes Projekt entwickelte eine neue Methode für die Erstellung einer Kombinationstherapie gegen Krebs. Viele Krebsarten, welche diese Methode angeht, haben sich als mit herkömmlichen Arzneimitteln schwer behandelbar herausgestellt. Diese Innovation birgt das Potenzial, jedes Jahr Tausende Leben zu retten.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/37kZTZH
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/37kZTZH
Research Headlines - Model komputerowy pozwala na skuteczniejsze leczenie raka
[Source: Research & Innovation]
W ramach przełomowego, finansowanego przez UE projektu stworzono nową metodę opracowywania wielolekowych terapii przeciwnowotworowych. Metoda pozwala na leczenie wielu nowotworów opornych na konwencjonalne terapie. To innowacyjne rozwiązanie może przyczynić do ocalenia tysięcy istnień ludzkich rocznie.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2IQR6p7
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2IQR6p7
Research Headlines - Un mod&232;le informatique cible des traitements contre le cancer plus efficaces
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Un projet révolutionnaire financé par l’UE a élaboré une nouvelle méthode pour créer des traitements multi médicamenteux contre le cancer. Bon nombre des cancers ciblés par cette méthode se sont avérés très complexes à traiter avec les médecines traditionnelles. Cette innovation pourrait sauver des milliers de vies chaque année.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3r07QeQ
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3r07QeQ
Research Headlines - Un modello informatico interviene su trattamenti antitumorali pi&249; efficaci
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Un rivoluzionario progetto finanziato dall’UE ha creato un nuovo metodo per sviluppare trattamenti antitumorali multifarmacologici. Questo metodo interviene su molti tumori che si sono rivelati difficili da trattare con i farmaci tradizionali. Di conseguenza, questa innovazione ha il potenziale per salvare migliaia di vite ogni anno.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2WeMxYP
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2WeMxYP
Research Headlines - Un modelo inform&225;tico permite dise&241;ar tratamientos m&225;s eficaces contra el c&225;ncer
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Un innovador proyecto, financiado con fondos europeos, ha creado un nuevo método para desarrollar polifarmacoterapias contra el cáncer. Muchos de los cánceres a los que se dirige este método han resultado muy difíciles de tratar con fármacos convencionales. Esta innovación podría salvar miles de vidas cada año.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/34b3eZq
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/34b3eZq
Monday, December 14, 2020
Press Centre - European Commission signs a new working arrangement with the World Meteorological Organisation
[Source: Research & Innovation] On 14 December, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Secretary-General, Professor Petteri Taalas, signed a working arrangement between the European Commission and WMO during a virtual signature ceremony.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3nhCFct
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3nhCFct
Group of Chief Scientific Advisors - New scientific opinion on the Biodegradability of Plastics in the Open Environment
[Source: Research & Innovation] Today the European Commission’s independent Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (GCSA) delivered a Scientific Opinion on the Biodegradability of Plastics in the Open Environment. In their opinion, the GCSA provides recommendations to assess which specific applications of biodegradable plastics in the open environment offer potential environmental benefits over conventional plastics.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3mgGPAd
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3mgGPAd
Research Headlines - Measuring the new world of online work
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Labour markets are changing dramatically, with millions now finding and carrying out work online. However, as official statistics only capture traditional labour markets, an EU-funded project has been tracking the growing world of online work.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3mimtGP
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3mimtGP
Friday, December 11, 2020
Horizon Europe - Commission welcomes political agreement on Horizon Europe, the next EU research and innovation programme
[Source: Research & Innovation] The Commission welcomes the political agreement between the European Parliament and the Council on Horizon Europe, the largest transnational programme ever supporting research and innovation. The new EU research and innovation programme will have a budget of around €95.5 billion for 2021-2027 (current prices).
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3oHOI3k
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3oHOI3k
Thursday, December 10, 2020
European Innovation Council - European Innovation Council awards €74 million to cutting-edge technologies for the green and digital transitions
[Source: Research & Innovation] The European Innovation Council (EIC) Pathfinder Pilot has selected 18 new projects that aim to support the EU green and digital transitions. They are set to receive a total of €74 million following the latest round of applications for funding.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/37P00vD
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/37P00vD
International Cooperation - Commissioner Gabriel signs Administrative Arrangement on Marine Research and Innovation with the Kingdom of Morocco
[Source: Research & Innovation] On behalf of the European Commission, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel signed today the Administrative Arrangement on Marine Research and Innovation Cooperation, together with her counter-part His Excellency, Mr Driss Ouaouicha, the Vice-Minister in charge of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kingdom of Morocco.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3qL5RuT
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3qL5RuT
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Research Headlines - How our brains share emotions, such as intense fear
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Although being stuck in a brain scanner while being exposed to a horror film may not be everyone's idea of fun, monitoring volunteers' grey cells throughout this process can tell scientists a lot. EU-funded research using this and other memorable techniques has generated new knowledge on the way we process and transmit social information.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3lWhQC9
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3lWhQC9
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Research Headlines - De nouvelles solutions aident les administrations publiques locales &224; lutter contre les cyberattaques
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Les cyberattaques contre les gouvernements locaux augmentent. Un projet financé par l’UE a développé et testé une suite d’outils et de services visant à empêcher ces attaques et à réagir efficacement. Sur la base de ces résultats, les administrations publiques locales en Europe bénéficieront d’un programme de cybersécurité renforcé destiné à protéger les citoyens et leurs précieuses données.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2LjDzqX
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2LjDzqX
Research Headlines - Neue L&246;sungen helfen Kommunalverwaltungen im Kampf gegen Cyberangriffe
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Cyberangriffe gegen Kommunalverwaltungen kommen immer häufiger vor. Zur Unterstützung hat ein EU-finanziertes Projekt Werkzeuge und Dienste entwickelt, um diesen Attacken vorzubeugen und wirksam auf sie zu reagieren. Auf diesen Ergebnissen aufbauend werden Kommunalverwaltungen in Europa von stabileren Cybersicherheitsprogrammen profitieren, die letztendlich beim Schutz der Bürgerdaten helfen werden.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2VOP6R2
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2VOP6R2
Research Headlines - New solutions help local public administrations fight cyberattacks
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Cyberattacks against local governments are on the rise. To help fight back, an EU-funded project has developed and tested a suite of tools and services for preventing and effectively reacting to these attacks. Based on these results, local public administrations in Europe will benefit from a more robust cybersecurity programme that will ultimately help protect citizens and their precious data.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36SEqHt
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36SEqHt
Research Headlines - Nowe rozwi&261;zania wspomagaj&261; samorz&261;dy w walce z cyberatakami
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Samorządy lokalne coraz częściej padają ofiarą cyberataków. Walkę z tym zjawiskiem wspiera zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu, w ramach którego powstał zestaw narzędzi i usług wspomagających reagowanie na ataki. Dzięki opracowanym rozwiązaniom organy administracji samorządowej w Europie będą w stanie lepiej zadbać o cyberbezpieczeństwo, chroniąc tym samym mieszkańców oraz ich cenne dane.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36VV6xW
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36VV6xW
Research Headlines - Nuevas soluciones permiten a las administraciones p&250;blicas locales combatir los ciberataques
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Los ataques cibernéticos contra los gobiernos locales van en aumento, por lo que un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos ha desarrollado y probado un paquete de instrumentos y servicios para prevenir y reaccionar ante estos ataques. Así, las administraciones públicas locales de Europa dispondrán de un programa de ciberseguridad robusto para proteger a los ciudadanos y sus datos.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3qC9Zgs
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3qC9Zgs
Research Headlines - Nuove soluzioni aiutano le pubbliche amministrazioni locali a combattere gli attacchi informatici
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Gli attacchi informatici contro gli enti locali sono in aumento. Per combatterli, un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha sviluppato e collaudato strumenti e servizi per evitare e reagire efficacemente a questi attacchi. Sulla base di questi risultati, le pubbliche amministrazioni locali in Europa beneficeranno di un programma più solido di sicurezza informatica che proteggerà i dati dei cittadini.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/33UbRYf
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/33UbRYf
International Cooperation - Commissioner Gabriel signs Administrative Arrangement on Marine Research and Innovation with the Kingdom of Morocco
[Source: Research & Innovation] On behalf of the European Commission, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel signed today the Administrative Arrangement on Marine Research and Innovation Cooperation, together with her counter-part His Excellency, Mr Driss Ouaouicha, the Vice-Minister in charge of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kingdom of Morocco.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3qL5RuT
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3qL5RuT
Monday, December 7, 2020
Research Headlines - Greener ingredients from algae to boost bioeconomy
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Algae grown, harvested and processed using new techniques developed by EU-funded researchers could supply greener alternatives to common ingredients - putting more eco-friendly cosmetics on the shelf and adding more sustainable foods to the menu.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2VOl1RK
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2VOl1RK
Research Headlines - Better ethical practices for using big data
[Source: Research & Innovation]
The EU-funded E-SIDES project gathered together many different industry players who use big data as well as data researchers. It developed a set of guidelines on how to use this data without overstepping ethical boundaries.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3ov2pST
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3ov2pST
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Research Headlines - D&233;chiffrer les myst&232;res des trous noirs
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Quel rôle, si tant est qu’il y en ait un, les trous noirs massifs jouent-ils dans l’évolution d’une galaxie? Pour le savoir, un projet financé par l’UE a utilisé des télescopes à rayons X très avancés pour étudier de plus près ces mystérieux corps célestes. Ses découvertes ont considérablement renforcé notre compréhension de l’univers.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3fSm1gE
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3fSm1gE
Research Headlines - Desvelar los misterios de los agujeros negros
[Source: Research & Innovation]
¿Qué papel desempeñan los agujeros negros masivos en la evolución de una galaxia? Con el fin de averiguarlo, un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos utilizó telescopios de rayos X muy avanzados que permiten observar más de cerca estos misteriosos cuerpos celestes. Sus descubrimientos amplían enormemente nuestro conocimiento sobre el universo.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2HW1knz
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2HW1knz
Research Headlines - Die Geheimnisse der schwarzen L&246;cher
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Spielen massive schwarze Löcher bei der Evolution von Galaxien eine Rolle – und wenn ja, welche? Mit hochmodernen Röntgenteleskopen wollte ein EU-finanziertes Projekt einen genaueren Blick auf diese mysteriösen Himmelskörper werfen. Seine Entdeckungen erweitern das gängige Verständnis vom Universum deutlich.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3mt2BRZ
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3mt2BRZ
Research Headlines - Pozna&263; tajemnice czarnych dziur
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Jaką rolę odgrywają ogromne czarne dziury w ewolucji galaktyki? Zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu postanowił odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, wykorzystując zaawansowane teleskopy rentgenowskie, by bliżej przyjrzeć się tym tajemniczym ciałom niebieskim. Ich ustalenia w ogromnym stopniu poszerzają naszą wiedzę na temat wszechświata.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3mEpsdL
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3mEpsdL
Research Headlines - Svelare i misteri dei buchi neri
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Qual è il ruolo, se esiste, svolto dai buchi neri massicci nell’evoluzione di una galassia? Per scoprirlo, un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha impiegato telescopi a raggi X estremamente avanzati per osservare più da vicino questi misteriosi corpi celesti. Ciò che ha scoperto amplia notevolmente la nostra comprensione dell’universo.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3mqL0u7
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3mqL0u7
Research Headlines - Unravelling the mysteries of black holes
[Source: Research & Innovation]
What role - if any - do massive black holes play in the evolution of a galaxy? To find out, an EU-funded project used highly advanced X-ray telescopes to get a closer look at these mysterious celestial bodies. What they discovered greatly expands our understanding of the universe.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36oJXVL
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36oJXVL
Monday, November 30, 2020
Research Headlines - Firm ground for platform advancing offshore renewable energy
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Wind, wave, tidal - there is plenty of energy to harvest at sea, and plenty of room for innovation to tap this potential for greater sustainability contributing to a key sector in the European Commission's Green Deal. Test sites from several countries have joined forces to strengthen Europe's position at the forefront of this area of R&D. An EU-funded project has taken their cooperation a step further.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3qdLB4E
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3qdLB4E
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Research Headlines - New power plant to convert crop waste into advanced biofuel
[Source: Research & Innovation]
An advanced biofuel plant under construction in Romania is at the centre of an EU-funded project to prove the environmental and economic benefits of producing cellulosic ethanol from agricultural residues.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2UZxqlj
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2UZxqlj
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Research Headlines - A smarter approach to cybersecurity
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Online security (known as 'cybersecurity') is one of the biggest challenges that companies face. The problem is that most solutions currently on the market are very expensive and rather ineffective. To change this and to help make companies, and by extension citizens, safer, one EU-funded project is taking a new approach - one that takes into account a wide-range of information, such as social media and blogs.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/377UHqM
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/377UHqM
Research Headlines - Inteligentniejsze podej&347;cie do kwestii cyberbezpiecze&324;stwa
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Bezpieczeństwo w sieci (inaczej „cyberbezpieczeństwo”) to jedna z najważniejszych kwestii, które firmy muszą brać dziś pod uwagę. Większość dostępnych obecnie rozwiązań jest jednak droga i nieskuteczna. Aby to zmienić i chronić firmy – a w efekcie także obywateli – finansowany przez UE projekt proponuje nowe podejście uwzględniające dostęp do informacji przez media społecznościowe, blogi itp.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3fv6OCa
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3fv6OCa
Research Headlines - Intelligenter an die Cybersicherheit herangehen
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Die Sicherheit im Internet („Cybersicherheit“) ist eine der größten Herausforderungen für Unternehmen. Das Problem: Die aktuellen Lösungen auf dem Markt sind teuer und wenig effizient. Um das zu ändern und die Sicherheit für Unternehmen und damit für die Menschen zu verbessern, verfolgt ein EU-finanziertes Projekt einen neuen Ansatz, der Informationen aus Social Media und Blogs berücksichtigt.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2UZHHha
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2UZHHha
Research Headlines - Uma abordagem mais inteligente &224; ciberseguran&231;a
[Source: Research & Innovation]
A segurança em linha (a «cibersegurança») é um dos maiores desafios enfrentados pelas empresas. O problema é que a maioria das soluções atualmente no mercado são muito dispendiosas e bastante ineficazes. Para mudar isto, e tornar as empresas e os cidadãos mais seguros, um projeto financiado pela UE assume uma nova abordagem — que tem em conta várias informações, como as redes sociais e os blogues.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2J4wCJx
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2J4wCJx
Research Headlines - Un approccio pi&249; intelligente alla sicurezza informatica
[Source: Research & Innovation]
La sicurezza online, o sicurezza informatica, è una delle maggiori sfide per le aziende. Tuttavia, quasi tutte le soluzioni sul mercato sono costose e piuttosto inefficaci. Per cambiare la situazione e proteggere meglio le aziende e, quindi, i cittadini, un progetto finanziato dall’UE adotta un nuovo approccio al problema impiegando varie informazioni, come quelle dei social media e dei blog
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2UWiaFQ
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2UWiaFQ
Research Headlines - Un enfoque m&225;s inteligente de la ciberseguridad
[Source: Research & Innovation]
La seguridad en línea (conocida como «ciberseguridad») es uno de los mayores desafíos a los que se enfrentan las empresas, pero la mayoría de soluciones en el mercado son muy caras y poco efectivas. Para cambiar esto y aumentar la seguridad de las empresas y los ciudadanos, un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos adopta un enfoque que considera fuentes información como blogs y redes sociales.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/39ogEF5
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/39ogEF5
Research Headlines - Une approche plus intelligente de la cybers&233;curit&233;
[Source: Research & Innovation]
La sécurité en ligne («cybersécurité») est un défi majeur pour les sociétés. Hélas, la plupart des solutions actuellement sur le marché sont très coûteuses et plutôt inefficaces. Pour remédier à cela et mieux protéger les sociétés et les citoyens, un projet financé par l’UE adopte une nouvelle approche qui tient compte d’un large éventail d’informations, comme les réseaux sociaux et les blogs.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/33erARv
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/33erARv
Monday, November 23, 2020
Research Headlines - Deepening our understanding of Europe's coastal waters
[Source: Research & Innovation]
The ocean plays a vital role in our lives, both environmentally and economically. In order to protect this precious resource, EU-funded research is helping to deepen our understanding of the interlinking factors impacting Europe's coastal waters.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3pT3LIC
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3pT3LIC
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Events - BRaVe Award Ceremony - 19 November 2020, Online
[Source: Research & Innovation] BRaVE- Building Resilience against Violent Extremism and Polarisation What is a BRaVE Award? EU funded BRaVe Project is looking for new and innovative projects that respond to violent extremism and polarisation in Europe. Submitted projects will be judged by a panel of experts and take part in a public online vote, with the top three chosen projects given funding and support by the BRaVE Project to pilot their work.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3nyWkEy
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3nyWkEy
Research Headlines - Innovative data analysis to cut urban traffic congestion
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Road congestion in cities reduces mobility. An EU-funded project integrated multiple sources of data to improve urban traffic flows, with the active engagement of citizens, to deliver tools to achieve more efficient and cleaner transportation.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36Tkl2F
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36Tkl2F
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Research Headlines - D&233;velopper une bio&233;conomie dans l'Europe rurale
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Une fois le cycle des cultures terminé, de nombreuses installations agricoles restent inutilisées. Leur conversion en sites de bioproduction pourrait prolonger leur activité sur l’année et profiter aux agriculteurs et industries agricoles. Un projet financé par l’UE a élaboré une gamme de produits biosourcés dont la production pourrait être assurée par ces installations nouvellement converties.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/35J1fwN
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/35J1fwN
Research Headlines - Desarrollo de una bioeconom&237;a en la Europa rural
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Tras plantar, cultivar y cosechar los cultivos, muchas instalaciones agrícolas dejan de usarse, pero convertirlas en plantas de bioproducción podría ampliar su actividad a todo el año, lo que significaría más dinero para agricultores e industrias agrícolas. En un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos se desarrollaron y probaron varios bioproductos que podrían producirse en estas instalaciones.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/33clamb
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/33clamb
Research Headlines - Developing a bioeconomy in rural Europe
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Once the crops are planted, grown and harvested, many agricultural facilities sit unused. But converting them into bioproduction plants could extend their activity year-round - meaning more money for farmers and agriculture-based industries. To help, an EU-funded project developed and demonstrated a range of potential bio-based products that could be produced at these newly converted facilities.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2IPL0VZ
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2IPL0VZ
Research Headlines - Entwicklung einer Bio&246;konomie im l&228;ndlichen Europa
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Nach Aussaat, Anbau und Ernte von Nutzpflanzen liegen viele Agrarbetriebe brach. Durch die Umwandlung der Betriebe in Bioproduktionsanlagen könnten sie ganzjährig genutzt werden – das bedeutet mehr Geld für Betreibende und den Agrarsektor. Dieses EU-finanzierte Projekt entwickelte und demonstrierte zu diesem Zweck potenzielle biobasierte Produkte, die in den Anlagen hergestellt werden könnten.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/38PXbg9
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/38PXbg9
Research Headlines - Rozw&243;j biogospodarki na obszarach wiejskich w Europie
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Po zakończeniu zbiorów wiele budynków rolniczych nie jest wykorzystywanych do żadnych celów. Mogą jednak stać się fabrykami bioproduktów, dzięki czemu będą używane przez cały rok, przynosząc dodatkowe zyski rolnikom i sektorowi rolnemu. Aby to umożliwić, zespół unijnego projektu AGROinLOG opracował serię różnych bioproduktów, które mogłyby być wytwarzane przez gospodarstwa poza sezonem.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2IKEeAE
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2IKEeAE
Research Headlines - Sviluppare una bioeconomia nell'Europa rurale
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Dopo le fasi di semina, crescita e raccolta, molte strutture agricole sono inutilizzate, ma convertirle alla coltivazione di piante per bioprodotti potrebbe estenderne l’attività a tutto l’anno, con più guadagni per agricoltori e per l’agroindustria. Perciò un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha sviluppato e dimostrato alcuni potenziali bioprodotti producibili da tali strutture convertite.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2UJBzcN
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2UJBzcN
BRaVe Award Ceremony - 19 November 2020, Online
[Source: Research & Innovation] BRaVE- Building Resilience against Violent Extremism and Polarisation What is a BRaVE Award? EU funded BRaVe Project is looking for new and innovative projects that respond to violent extremism and polarisation in Europe. Submitted projects will be judged by a panel of experts and take part in a public online vote, with the top three chosen projects given funding and support by the BRaVE Project to pilot their work.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36GmgaA
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36GmgaA
Monday, November 16, 2020
Research Headlines - Home improvements for the planet
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Renovating energy-inefficient buildings is crucial if Europe is to reduce its carbon footprint. That is why an EU-funded project is making renovations faster and easier, helping homes to save energy - for the benefit of the general public and the planet.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/35BhKus
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/35BhKus
Friday, November 13, 2020
Research Headlines - Cracking pottery identification in the digital age
[Source: Research & Innovation]
The recognition of pottery types from their fragments is key to dating and understanding the context of archaeological sites. A new app developed thanks to EU-funded research will greatly facilitate this process for archaeologists.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3pq7r4r
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3pq7r4r
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Health research and innovation - Coronavirus: Advisors provide joint opinion on pandemic preparedness and management
[Source: Research & Innovation] Today the European Commission’s independent Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (GCSA), the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) and Peter Piot, special advisor to the President Ursula von der Leyen on the response to COVID-19, published a joint opinion.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/38u1a1L
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/38u1a1L
Research Headlines - Gemeinsam st&228;rker: Koordinierte Anstrengungen gegen Pandemien
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft soll durch Forschungsfinanzierung auf neu auftretende Krankheiten vorbereitet sein und umgehend reagieren können. Dazu bedarf es jedoch ihrer konsequenten und koordinierten Unterstützung durch Förderorganisationen. GloPID-R, ein EU-finanziertes globales Netzwerk, trägt führend zum effektiven und schnellen Kampf gegen Pandemien, gegenwärtige und zukünftige, bei.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2UdAMRi
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/2UdAMRi
Research Headlines - Juntos somos m&225;s fuertes: esfuerzos coordinados ante la pandemia
[Source: Research & Innovation]
La comunidad científica debe prepararse y reaccionar rápido ante nuevas enfermedades mediante la financiación de la investigación y el desarrollo. Para ello, se necesita un apoyo firme y coordinado de los organismos de financiación. GloPID-R, una red mundial financiada con fondos europeos, lidera el camino para que la lucha contra las pandemias, actuales y futuras, sea eficaz, rápida e inclusiva.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/38wtz7f
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/38wtz7f
Research Headlines - Pi&249; forti insieme: sforzi coordinati contro le pandemie
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Perdere una mano è invalidante e ha effetti negativi su qualità di vita, indipendenza e mobilità. Ma la maggioranza delle mani protesiche sul mercato offre sensibilità e gamma di movimento limitate. Ciò potrebbe presto cambiare, grazie a un progetto finanziato dall’UE che sta creando gli strumenti necessari a costruire una mano protesica più realistica che migliori le vite dei soggetti amputati.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3llmWIl
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3llmWIl
Research Headlines - Plus forts ensemble: des efforts coordonn&233;s contre les pand&233;mies
[Source: Research & Innovation]
La communauté scientifique devrait pouvoir contrer les maladies émergentes et réagir rapidement en finançant la recherche et le développement. Mais pour cela elle a besoin du soutien inébranlable et coordonné des organismes de financement. GloPID-R, un réseau mondial financé par l’UE, montre l’exemple en garantissant une lutte efficace, rapide et inclusive contre toutes les pandémies.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3lnEZ0F
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3lnEZ0F
Research Headlines - Razem jeste&347;my silniejsi - skoordynowane dzia&322;ania przeciwko pandemiom
[Source: Research & Innovation]
Środowisko naukowe ma być gotowe na nowe choroby i błyskawicznie na nie reagować, finansując działania badawcze i rozwojowe. Realizacja tego założenia w praktyce wymaga jednak niezawodnego i przede wszystkim skoordynowanego wsparcia organizacji finansujących. Celem finansowanej przez UE globalnej sieci GloPID-R jest dopilnowanie, by walka z pandemiami była skuteczna, szybka i sprawiedliwa.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36tfjcC
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/36tfjcC
Research Headlines - Stronger together: Coordinated efforts against pandemics
[Source: Research & Innovation]
The scientific community is expected to be prepared for and react promptly to emerging diseases by funding research and development. But to do so, it needs the unyielding and coordinated support from funding organisations. GloPID-R, an EU-funded global network, leads the way in helping ensure that the fight against all pandemics, present and future, is effective, rapid and leaves no one behind.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/32zf2DW
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/32zf2DW
Monday, November 9, 2020
Research Headlines - Artificial intelligence and freedom of expression: implications for democracy
[Source: Research & Innovation]
The use of algorithms in digital media to personalise content has important implications for the democratic role of the media. EU-funded research is helping to ensure that these powerful new tools are harnessed for the benefit of society as a whole.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/35akaA4
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/35akaA4
Friday, November 6, 2020
Research Headlines - Enabling citizens to take control of their own data
[Source: Research & Innovation]
EU-funded research has helped improve citizens' confidence in big data by creating a decentralised platform that gives people greater control over their personal data and enables them to take part in decision-making.
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3p440QD
from EUROPA - Syndicated Research News Feed https://ift.tt/3p440QD
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